I had this weird dream transition early in the morning. At 3AM, I woke up from a bad dream where I was crying as I watched your Daddy wash the plates in the sink. I knew something was wrong with us and although it wasn't spoken, I knew the issue was about me and Daddy breaking up. I feel like I just stepped into the dream knowing what was going on without it happening in the duration of dreaming. I lay awake for a couple of minutes in a tear-less crying and after deciding no, Daddy and I won't break up, I went back to sleep.
Later, I found myself in an airport. I was standing in front of Daddy who was hauling traveling bags from a conveyor to another. I looked around and saw your Papalo who said I should go and look for Mamala. Your Daddy looked happier than he did from the last dream and it sure lifted some weight off my dreaming shoulders. He said, adding to Papalo that there is no turning back where this travel will take us so I should go and tell his mom that. Where will it take us exactly? I cannot be specific but I saw ski gears and we were all wearing snow coats and boots. I can only bet we were going international. I went with the instructions to find Mamala and there she was in a conveyor belt lined - no, packed with standing and filled wine goblets. What was even weird, as it is with dreams, she was lying down on these glasses like she didn't weigh at all. The dream faded out as soon as I called "Ma." I don't know what could have gone on from there.
So even as that dream had a happy note, it ended waking me up too. I guess I was already up and working before 6AM and sensitive as you are, you realized I wasn't in bed with you. Before 7AM you were alive and kicking yourself. I was just a little worried with these unscheduled waking hours because you get cranky later on. Especially today since we had visitors over for the Gypsy Openshoot project with HollywoodFX and Capturing Smiles, Tita Jessica's company.

Aside from being the model, entertainer - who wouldn't stop at begging everyone for more soda, you were also my Assistant Makeup Artist. I am so happy that Tita Jessica covered the lot of your attempts on Ate Josel. I borrowed a photo from her Behind-the-Scenes with you on a shimmer and brush to Ate Josel's face.

To end the day, we thank Mamilou for a wonderful first-time experience with Magnum. Review? It's honestly too rich. I love the fact that it's Belgian chocolate and how you love the fact that the ice cream inside easily melts into your mouth - but then it's easily gone. And it's too expensive to be gone so quickly. But then, we still have to be thankful to have tasted it while others could not.
*Photos courtesy of Criss Cagampang and Jessie Villegas.
Check out A Life Full of Adventures by Criss Cagampang &
Sea of Dreams by Jessie Villegas
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