Countdown to an Apple Juice: Day 07: March 27, 201...
Dear Jam,
I am such an epic failure when it comes to - for a lack of better words - mauling the Endocrinologist. Because that's what happens, patients attack his clinic just to get an appointment to an effect that only about 10 to 18 are allowed per day. I mean, how in the love of Diabetes can I get an appointment if I come to the hospital daily, early in the morning and get shrugged off? My take on it is that I might not need the sugar doctor. I could just take a Fasting Blood Sugar lab test and see the difference between my Random Blood Sugar. Besides, we're talking about spending more money.
So okay, ranting aside - I was out almost the whole day today. I went to pay the internet and phone bill. Then I went to Limketkai and did nothing but blink at vendors preparing for the day from 9:15 AM to 10 AM until the mall completely opened. I was scouting for your Faerie Wings only to find out nil. Then I decided to move to SM to do both grocery and Faerie Wings scouting - it was there that I realized that I could actually, finally, positively, watch THE HUNGER GAMES! And I did baby. Could I bring you, I would but even if you were old enough to be allowed you won't understand it just as much as I do. I have to say, I immensely enjoyed it - every bit, well except for some stuff I ignored for the love of it and for my indifference towards the Twilight Saga (super angry face here). You know me and movie details but I turned a blind eye on the glitches and proceeded to swoon on the love scenes.

Enough of that. I wanted to watch it again but my duty as a mother comes first and though a rerun would have been allowable what with the time I had, I couldn't stay away long from you. I went to the Department Store and bought the the last pair of purple Faerie wings they had for Php129, complete with a dainty wand. There were pairs of uber glittered and highly pigmented wings, which were more expensive (Php299 - up) but they weren't worth it. I wanted you to shine through the wings and not be rained by shiny stuff from the mere appendage. After I was satisfied with that and a cute cellphone holder on sale, I proceeded to the grocery to buy your milk, Ducky's newbie socks, and diapers of the new size you have assumed (XXL) and a pack for Ducky (New Born).
I was really tired when I got home. In fact, I cancelled my appointment with Dr. Salta because I wanted to go home to you and see your reaction with the Faerie Wings. Just as I suspected, you wore it the time you saw it. We couldn't detach you from it. The only way we could bargain it from you is to allow you to sleep with the wand. You call it "star" by the way since your aren't familiar with the term "wand" yet. I just wish you would act as a behaved little Faerie on your shoot tomorrow. I think I got home by 4PM and tired as I was I dosed off until 11PM just to see you tucked in. I played with you until it was 12AM and we both went to sleep. There we were to dreamland - to re-energize for tomorrow's big day!
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