Countdown to an Apple Juice: Day 06: March 26, 2012
Dear Jam,
It's a lazy day for you and me. You know, we hardly got our butts out of bed, you and I? Yeah. So I thought it was just me yesterday but now you. Now that I remember, the real reason for me staying all day in bed is that I felt real bad that I couldn't watch THE HUNGER GAMES with Ate Jajai and Mamilou. Well, I wasn't invited and I hated to impose. Hence, the bed was my best friend yesterday and today, we have the same best friend.
We were either watching a movie in the big screen or else watching a video on Youtube via the phone. Only rising when we had to eat - in bed. Lol. Later in the evening, Daddy called up via Skype. Though the connection was bad, we managed some HIs and HELLOs and it was the first time he saw you after our Skype session from Netherlands. He was telling you to cut on milk and eat more rice. I was like, look who is talking? You know Mamala told Mamilou (and Mamilou told me of course) this was a couple of months back about Daddy's appetite when he was your age. Mamala said that Daddy was just as worse as you are picky now. She had to sit with a stick from a walis tingting while spoon-feeding because he was all so scrawny and picky with food. Wow! And now he is preaching. Lol. Growing up, he didn't have much to his liking so he saved his baon to buy Star Margarine. Before, it's a staple for kids next to rice - it manages to add flavor. The margarine itself was a meal with rice. Don't ask me, I wasn't much of a fan. I was pro-food. I ate anything! Haha
Daddy's signal went off and on and off and on. And it really pissed me off because all I could hear in the background are women giggling. Grrr. I think his shipmates were talking to them or else - grrr! Their laughter was just flirtatious but I didn't wanna egg Daddy on about something, which may be nothing so I ignored it. To ignore it, you and I went on a trip down Memory Lane. Since (lazy that I am) didn't take photos for today's entry, I will share the photos we had the best laugh at with our journey.
We browsed through my old albums in Facebook and found a couple of cute ones. Don't get me wrong everything is so cute and precious but the best ones are those that really cracked you. There's one with you and your perfect impression of "Puss in Boot's" cat eyes. You were barely one year old - it was after the day we bought your baby bike. Then there's the one when you barely had teeth and you did your perfect gigil "strong". Lastly, the one where we moved to our pad in Nazareth and we played with a smallish torch light. You wanted to play with it but I wanted to test the end of the light - if you could see, the bulb makes an impression of a heart on my tummy. But of course you don't see that. All you see is that you want to play with it so you were crying your lungs out - and if that's ins't enough, you cried in the center of the "spotlight". Those times just pass us by and it's so good we have photos of them to look back on.
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