Countdown to an Apple Juice: Day 05: March 25, 2012
Dear Jam,
I hibernated today. I think Ducky and I are just exhausted from yesterday. It usually is like that with her in me. After a day's tasking job, I end up extra tired the following day and all I do is sleep my ass the whole day. I think I could say as much as skipping a day being your mother and just being a total bum.
I couldn't even remember what happened - I just know that I woke up once in a while calling Ate Jajai or Ate Josel to massage my back. I just have these terrible bouts of back pains, which I just hope aren't early contractions. See, AJ (Ducky to you) and I agreed that she will not be out until the 6th of April. That's Daddy's birthday of course and I just want it to be extra special. So I have to "bear" all her weight no matter what - I just want to cross March and deliver her on Daddy's birthday. That's going to be a Holy day too, mind you. I just wish the Dr. Salta, my new OB wouldn't be on vacation by that time. You know how many times I changed doctors this time? Thrice. One, which I cannot remember, two is Dr. Macias-Go who delivered you and here is Dr. Salta of Mary's Child whom I heard to be especially good at genital stitching.
Stitching. Whew! I am talking about things about to come in a couple of days. But here I am discussing with your Tito Ryan about what's going to happen on our trip to Manolo Fortich. Can you imagine? I am expecting in a couple of days and I am going to travel on the 30th to host a beauty pageant with Tito Ryan as I did last year for the Miss Manolo Fortich. However, I am thankful that we will be taking his car on the trip - as soon as it is fixed ;) and Ate Jajai will be joining me as a Private Nurse. She admits to be scared for me more than I am scared for myself. I don't know why I am so complacent - I think it hasn't hit me yet. I am just glad that Tito Ryan broached on the idea of volunteering to drive all the way to Manolo - he and Tito Art are excited to become Ducky's Ninongs. Well, here's crossing my fingers that a labor won't happen in that sleek Chevy. Hehe
When I woke up in the evening, your Ate Jajai was boasting about your pictorials with her. Seeing as I wasn't productive for today's entry as I shoud have one photo for the day at least - I am grateful for her proxy. You are so cute with these photos. There's one where you wore nothing but your underwear and a grocery receipt tied with a ribbon. It is a haute statement I have to admit. Then there's this set with you in a skirt of mine which Ate Jajai turned into her dress and turned into your gown. Oh Lor! I just hope you could be just as cooperative this coming shoot on "Mythical Creatures".
*Photos courtesy of Angelica Marie Baqui
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