Days of "Strawberry Jam" without "J"
Dear Jam,
Nahnang visited us in the pad early, to do their satellite laundry with our washing machine. We're like a laundromat now, you know. Haha! You were so cute when I woke up, you and she were whispering. I caught her prodding you to wake me up and she had thought I was only pretending to sleep coz I was smiling as this was going on. To be clear, I wasn't. Maybe I was just having some smile-worthy dream! Haha! As soon as I was awake though, you pleasantry towards her wore off, pushing her away whenever she moved closer to me. She said you were sweeter when I was asleep, saying "Hi Baby!" to her when she opened the door, upon arriving. I don't know if you perceive it as play, separately from sibling rivalry-like defenses because you were amiable to her when she was eating, crawling to her like the Kitten that you are, asking to be fed from her ricebowl.
A little later, Mamilou arrived. That wasn't something planned and I had thought that she would attend my show. Neither had she planned to visit nor planned to watch my show, she had a lot of errands to run for their Christmas party and she wasn't feeling well at the same time. After using our water closet, she had found a quiet spot on the bunk bed and fell asleep with her oppressing headache. And with you at her back saying "Lala? Lala? Yayay?". She was in too deep slumber to notice. You would turn to me and Nahnang once in a while to throw us a question of "Lala?" perhaps to ask what was going on with Mamilou.
When you were ready, I took you and a bagful of provisions and clothes for your stay in Carmen and for an overnight stay in Kauswagan. We took a quick trip, the first one in fact, to the new Kathryn's branch in our neighborhood. I was a little disappointed that though their spot looked cozy and nicer than the others, there wasn't much of the delicious breads and pastries that you liked. Gladly, that was put to ease when I saw that the Selecta Gold Series came in 100 mL cutesie sizes. After you nodded vigorously to the Berry Strawberry, I checked it out with a
After the show, we dropped by Carmen before proceeding to Kauswagan. Thanks to Tita Vanessa, the balloon I had thought she was bringing for herself was actually for you. You were so excited to play with it, kept calling it with that curious pronunciation of yours for "ball". I can't spell it as you speak it but it has that similarity to how the Korean word for water is pronounced; something like "mul" with the tongue folded inwards. You had to fight Mamilou or Lolo for it, just so you could throw it up and down. You were excited about it even as we rode from Carmen to Kauswagan that you were tossing it to the driver's seat, covering Nohnong's driving view. I had
JAMantic of the Day:
For you, it is never too late to soak in a tub of "booboosh". This is what you asked for as soon as we arrived in Kauswagan. To make the late night bath fun and to keep you put, I threw in an old acquaintance. Poloy the Penguin. Hehe! It came with the other two, Wally the Walrus and Daddy the Turtle, who are unlike Poloy the Penguin, gone. However, as it bears some similarities with a duck, you would insist to call it "Tatee" or ducky even as I kept teaching you with the word 'penguin'.
Your Mommy,

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