Days of "Strawberry Jam" without "J"
There's a good girl, drinking up her medication by herself. I just hope this cough of yours would go away soon. It's going to be a week tomorrow and that's just about seven days of Cefalexin.
As opposed to yesterday's long and busy day, today was rather slow and laid back. We woke up quite late in Kauswagan though Nahnang had hoped to get back to hospital before nine AM. But you turned in rather earlier in the morning than later in the evening that you wouldn't have waken up if I didn't stir you up by noon. It was a hot day today maybe that too, slowed us down. But we took it one step at a time, besides, the cafe was closed for the preemptive Holiday and I didn't need to rush with our schedule. Tomorrow is the actual holiday, Bonifacio Day. But since Former President Arroyo's time where they have been moving National Holidays commemoration from weekdays or days between working days, we have simply adopted. They see it as less hassle and it makes the weekend longer so everyone has seemed to agree. Anyway, it's still holiday for you and I tomorrow as well as Nahnang, Mamilou and Lolo because we're going to celebrate Nahnang's 21st birthday! In the hospital. That is.
Early in the morning, I received a text message from Papalo of their intent to fetch you from the pad. Had that been the case, you would have been with them the soonest they could drive by but we were still in Kauswagan where we ran out of milk, diapers, and clean spare clothes. That's why we went home to the pad first, took a good clean shower, ate lunch and watched one of the DVD titles we borrowed from the library in Kauswagan. I had taken the liberty to take INCEPTION, which I haven't seen since it's release date, GOLDEN CHRISTMAS, whose actors I am vaguely familiar of, and SANTA PAWS, which was cutest of the bunch. Naturally, I played that.
JAMovie: SANTA PAWS, Disney Home Videos
I wasn't kind to it as it played for the first twenty minutes. Being a critic and all. The cinematography was mediocre, the effort to make it a musical didn't sit well with me and their Santa...well, he just freaked me out. He had these darkness in his eyes and around his eyes that just felt creepy to me. It felt awkward and off. Then later on, as "Paws", the main dog character, was introduced, I felt warmer and receptive to it. It's a little adventure of Paws and Santa separately. How they were brought together, how they became "best buds" in the first place was thanks to an Ambassador for Christmas in New York City, Mr. Hucklebuckle. But Mr. Hucklenbuckle had just recently passed away BUT bequeathed Santa a stuffed dog. A magic crystal that connects Santa, the magic icicle and Paws brought Paws to life. According to you? "Wow!" you just say it everytime the magic crystal spins with its golden glitters and "Wow!" indeed. I wonder how you see it with your eyes because as for me, I haven't said a one good "Wow!" recently. What made me warm up to it, more than Paws is how they incorporated a couple more than one story to the whole plot. While the main story was going on, in another part of the Big Apple, a new orphan girl finds herself needy of happiness not only for herself but for the other orphans as well. Then just a couple of blocks away from that, we find the very store of the late Mr.Hucklebuckle, run now by his living heirs. Basically, the story brings them together to a pleasant and heart-warming conclusion. It's quirky. That's one thing to look forward to. Especially those three other dogs who are given some character with their voice accents, there was a Scottish dog, a Manhattan dog, and well, Jamaican with all the dread locks and "ya man!". ;)
You were a good girl to me today, you know? You followed every specific instruction I had for you without a fuss. Thank you. You don't know how much that means to
So I guess you deserved "one more" and even more "one more" ride up on my legs when you asked me, with your finger pulled up to one with "one mall". You did it to Crookshanks when you arrived, gave your favorite stuffed cat a little lift with your feet and then up. You enjoy it so much, you scream with exhilaration when you are hoisted. Well, thank God for that means you aren't afraid of heights. I have a little fear of heights for all different reasons but not specifically of heights. Do you know that Daddy said he is afraid of water?
Being a good girl and all, I allowed you to stay up late. I was also checking if my suppositions that your body clock has indeed changed, is correct. I left you alone to shove books right under the bed, like they were cookies going into the oven. I left you to go over the pictures of your Treasury of Fairytales book and name them with insignificant syllables that to you meant words. I also left you to bother me about drawing little cats on your tiny digits as I took notes in our journal. When the energy finally started to wear off, you laid on your back as you slowly counted the faces of kittens on your hand while I rubbed your baby tummy until you fell fast asleep at
There's this mystery though that I cannot seem to put my nose into. I cannot seem to find the lock of your right earring. It may have been lost anywhere, I am just thankful that it withstood your ear without falling off for loss of lock. Hmm. Now, we have to improvise. I don't want you looking like a little "gangsta" with one earring on or leave the hole gaping for sometime, as it works like a wound, it can close up anytime. We don't want that happening now, do we?
JAMantic of the Day:
At Carmen, you were quite the charmer for the "3 O'Clock Prayer" was on the TV upon arriving. You nudged Lolo to turn you to the TV, made the sign of the cross and
Your Mommy,

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