DAY 212: December 8, 2010; WEDNESDAY
223 (and then some)Days of "Strawberry Jam" without "J"
Dear Jam,
You love that blouse don't you? I just bought that off the thrift store aka "ukay" in the neighborhood, you like it so much you wore it and posed with it, giving Ate Hannah a run
for her money. Yes, Ate Hannah was here and so was Tita-Ningang- "Jabee"-Ma'am-Deen. By the way, I had to take off the blouse and tossed it to the laundry basket. You can be assured to wear it very soon and that purple aviator bonnet from MILK HOUSE I bought for only Php30. You looked so cute in it! Even more convincing to come from Alaska with your Eskimo-like eyes! I had to leave you in Ate Hannah's care for a couple of minutes, I had to buy lunch and prepare it. Thankfully, as soon as she handed you a pen and a blank piece of paper, you didn't kick around and scream in my absence.
We are so blessed to have them both today. Your Tita-Ninang brought a breakfast meal and a
2-piece pancake
meal from Jollibee. Add that to liempo, eat by the hand and well, we get one delicious lunch! You ate a lot! You even insisted to eat with your own bare hands. You hopped from the "edd" or egg, to the burger steak, to the liempo and then to the pancakes. I just realized that if every day's banquet was like this then I would be able to fix your near-malnourishment. Ate Hannah proved to be quite the helping hand, cleaning after us without either mine or Tita-Ninang's prompting. I say she is just quite home efficient that one! However, she must have thought our pet plant "Stray" to be an unwanted stray that she errr...well, farewell Stray! Oh well, you were pleasant earlier in the day but as soon as one want couldn't be satisfied, you soon gave in to the naughty twirly wirly, throwing a loud tantrum in the middle of a photo opportunity with your Ate Hannah and Tita-Ninang. I can actually see your uvula in that picture. That little punching bag hanging just right before the throat?Yeah. Just right there. Haha!

We went to the cafe earlier so that I could leave you for a couple of minutes as I sauntered off to Savemore for the necessitous. I bought your diapers, milk AND, AND, AND your first ever taste of Bear Brand Strawberry yogurt drink. You loved it! Sipped it in one swig, you did. I also bought Appebon Dietary Supplement to see how your appetite would fare with it. You seem to enjoy the vitamin dosage as well.
At the cafe, I received a little more Ivatan 101 instructions from Daddy where he taught me that "Tsavakel muava yaken ta tayto ko maypa" means "Don't worry I am in good hands" and "Mukahat dana dyaya" means "It's already hot here". Wow! Now that's easy to commit to memory, the problem is how to set it out of my mouth to sound respectably Ivatan enough as to be understood and not to be ridiculed. Haha!
The downside today though was that your finger got caught in the fan...again. Mamala told me on our way home that Ate Joren and you were playing and somehow in the excitement, the finger got the boo boo. But something tells me though that it wasn't either the fan's or Ate Joren's entire fault. The point finger wouldn't get caught UNLESS, it was "pointed". Ha ha ha! Sorry! I find it funny because this is the second time it happened to you. The first time was when you stabbed the fan in the pad with the same finger. You never seem to learn do you? Only this time, it looks a lot more painful than the last one, which was merely a scratch. This time, it looked badly singed. Mamala said you cried. I can only imagine it to have been easily assuaged by some sort of appeasement.
JAMantic of the Day:
I finally braved to take a picture of the kids who have been taking a bath in our neighborhood canal since we first saw them last Saturday, December 4th. I also finally braved to ask them where the water they seemed so sure to be so clean as to bathe in it, come from. They said it came from Water District. I just hummed, nonplussed and took a picture of them. They seem to be enjoying it. So did you that you said or "Towter" water, "Mommy, towter babat?" and then "pish" to think that there was fish somewhere, being as it was a body of water. You know, I think it's clean enough. Those kids' mothers wouldn't be washing their laundry in there if it wasn't, you know? Ha ha ha! But I think it's fun. Good fun.
Your Mommy,

By they way, the day we went to visit Kauswagan, Mamilou and Nahnang gave us a set of Christmas lights. To becalm your restlessness, I put the light up for you to watch and marvel at. You didn't like the idea that it was out of your reach but then again, it didn't matter because its life was short-lived anyway. After a couple of minutes, it wouldn't light up again. Hmm...We might as well buy a new one. We'll need that to add festivities in our humble hovel for the shooting tomorrow. ;) Can't wait!
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