Days of "Strawberry Jam" without "J"
Mommy is finally home! I just missed you so much that by the time I laid eyes on you, I felt that you grew a couple of inches more upwards and sideways. I was so happy to see you again, it seemed forever and I saw how delighted you were to see me too. Your adorable eyes lit up as you said "Mommy" in the sweetest heart-breaking pitch when I slowly walked inside the house in Kauswagan. It was like a movie filmed in some slow motion fashion. I can only imagine how I would be if I left you longer when the time comes. But that won't be soon and right now, let me just relish being with you. A little later as I was still settling from the feeling of bus lag, you amused me by crawling on all fours on the floor as if you were back to a couple months before you knew walking. Or else, you were mimicking Spunky who was tottering about in the living room. You made me laugh coz you were right on cue when Lolo would say "Up" so you would, back on your stable two feet. You
Fortunately for us that you were there, as a means of entertainment. You were posing at every chance and every time I snapped the camera that you blew Ate Hannah off the top. She was surprised that you could do better than her. The long table in the FoodHauz looked like a runway with you bathed in the solitary emergency light for the blackout. Soon, we all decided to just go home, the lights weren't back even as we waited for a couple of ours. Then there was the rain, terrible, it wasn't being helpful.
Early in the morning, just a couple minutes after I arrived, a group of carolers from the highland blessed our doorstep with their rendition of Christmas songs and their innovated accompaniments. Now these were all women, who come from different age range. There was a lady about my age with a lovely voice, a woman of Lolo's age playing the guitar but what caught our attention was the oldest of the bunch whose instrument was her own assembled harp. It was so beautiful, even more so as she plucked it to produce the accompanying music. I took a video of you as you eagerly looked on the singing. You begged me to open the gate because they were "Sheeng. Apan. Sheeng Mommy." Yeah. I bet you wanted to dance as they were singing. He he he!
Your Mommy,

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