DAY 223: November 27, 2010; SATURDAY
234 (and then some)Days of "Strawberry Jam" without "J"
Dear Jam,
Here's a little good morning look from you as you drank down a 2.5 dose of Cefalexin from the cup by yourself. Good girl! It's good that you have been so cooperative when it comes down to medicine administration because right now with everyone getting sick, I don't want to worry that this unyielding cough of yours will go elsewhere. I don't want that elsewhere to be the hospital as it is enough that Paddylou is admitted there right now.
Before we received any text message from 
Mamilou or Nahnang about Lolo's condition, you and I had a fabulous time with lunch. I say fabulous because you ate more than you normally do. I prepared a delicious brunch of fried fish, Gen San Tuna longganisa with a salad of tomatoes. You enjoyed the tomatoes that you took in little handfuls after every turn of fish and rice. You were even so kind to hand feed my share right to my mouth. Unfortunately that there was a mishap with having a picnic in the living room as you danced around scantily clad sans underwear. I am sorry to say that you peed on the floor and eventually on our food! Hahaha! I found it so hilarious. I think for a point there you got scared that I might scold. But you and I are past that, besides it was nearly anything as an accident, you can't control your bladder yet as much as you and I would have wanted.
I think I jumped in my seat when I received the message from Mamilou telling me about Lolo's
emergency. He's old and that together with the idea of hospital and
sickness, it isn't a matter to be shrugged off. He has been having quite some struggle with his COPD, I wonder what is going on now? I had to rush to do the chores as you lounged in the tub. You must have sensed my psychic distress signal for when I came back from putting the garbage out, you came out of the tub, out of the bathroom and found me with a worried look in your face. Thank you Baby, you could be such a sweetheart to me. I led you back to the bathroom to finish bathing, leaving a trail of nice bubbles on the floor.
Lolo is now admitted in Polymedic General Hospital where, almost two years ago, for the first
time you broke into a cry that stirred the whole third floor and OR/DR complex. Now, you break into your first trot on the ramp. The moment we had gotten off the flight of ramps, you wanted to get back on it! But as you see, that cannot be because we had to be with Lolo. There hasn't been any reports yet but he had been taken in the hospital due to difficulty in breathing. This is something that you don't understand to be anything as serious as losing Meemeen or the need for milk but in a sense, it is something like that. This is serious. This may just be the first of many hospital admissions from this day until he and Mamilou grows older. Grow up fast and be a doctor! ;) But I don't think we need to wait for that because you looked like a convincing enough bedside physician or private nurse to him. You checked on the IV site and said "yayay" and even attempted to regulate the flow of his intravenous PNSS. But when you weren't doing that, you were either busily going over everyone's bags or earnestly figuring a way out of the door. Hopefully, Lolo will be discharged tomorrow. But that's just talk and until Dr. Villaraza gives word, we wouldn't know when he will get out.
Here you are fighting Nahnang off on our way out of the hospital. You insisted to be left alone to
go down the ramp on your own. I would have gladly obliged had the ramp none of those guide strips where you might trip your still clumsy little steps and topple over, God forbid! Mommy could be so paranoid at times, so your Nahnang tells me. At work, Nohnong brought you with him to Carmen as I watched over the cafe. Mamala decided to close the FoodHauz off for the day so everyone is at Carmen.
You were so talkative on your way to and from Carmen. You were either repetitive about pointing every lighted store as "Jabee" or just talking nonstop about something. Withstanding the insignificant babble but altogether not understanding it, Nohnong said he merely nodded his head. He was so sweet to consider us on our way home. We passed by some festivity of voices and lighted "parols" at Limketkai, which you and I took quite a liking to. He asked me if we wanted to drive back and see what was going on. But I had told him not to bother, he was needed to wake up early to cover Papalo's Milo Marathon jog around the city. But that was really sweet of him. Had it been Daddy, he would have just told us "Let's head home." Hahah! Daddy isn't so adventurous with us sometimes unlike Nohnong but that's Daddy. And though I hate it, it's something of his character that I miss whenever he is not around.
At home, you and I had a little downtime. A Mommy-and-you-time. I decided to give the TV a rest so our eyes could take a rest as well. You didn't insist until later on, to which I owe presentation on your JAMantic of the Day. We went through the Brainy Baby numbers book from Ninang Jeng where you learned some new words. You learned to say kitten as "taten", monkey as "ankee" and worked your tongue through numbers one to ten and all the objects that represented these numbers like "take" (cake), "bode" (bird), "jips" (gifts), "nana" (banana), "dob" (dog), etc. I cannot commit everything to memory so I relied on my handy dandy cellphone voice recorder where you were a little more than timid to follow after me unlike how we started without the recorder. You were being shy on the recorder, were you? For later on when I played the recording back, you followed my voice as if I were actually talking to you and even scolded yourself for not repeating well after me. You told your recorded voice "sinaba", which was your rough estimation of "sige na ba", to mean "come on!".
I am not sure but it's a wild guess to say that your body clock has moved accordingly to mine
when you were still well on the way of conception. I am an eternal night creature, nocturnal if you would have it that's why I easily found comfort in the call center life. Now, here we are almost two years from that. I can say that you really are my daughter. You would toss and turn in your effort to follow my requests to turn in. Seeing as this wasn't happening, I decided to read a magazine. But here's the thing, you wouldn't let me and you made it quite clear. How? We now had nothing but the lamp for light and everytime you would see me open the magazine, you would switch it off. It seems that you are keen to following Daddy's little instructions on keeping an eye on me. Like you, he didn't like me reading in poor light. You would say "No no yayt." to stop me from reading and *click* you would switch the light off. I would do it over again anyway to tease you. Haha! Earlier too, I was scolded by you as I danced in my undies. You shook your head and pointed my undies to tell me off "Dance. No no."
JAMantic of Day:
So aside from your late night munchies, demanding to eat handfuls of rice right out of the stainless pot, here is your cutest antic for today. Remember that I didn't want to have anything to do about the TV right? But you did. Eventually. You put on the best way to plead to me ever, kissing me, hugging me, prolonging the "peeeeeasee" in the sweetest way ever. "Meemeen peeeeasssse!" You wanted me to put Hello Kitty on. Had it been other than Hello Kitty, which we have seen at least everyday this week, I would have acquiesced. I asked "Nasad?" to mean "Again?" with a furrow of disbelief on my brows. You understood this and hiding your face in your pillows, you said shyly back, "sad." You were shy to admit to me that "Yes, Hello Kitty again, Mommy." Hahah!
Your Mommy,

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