Days of "Strawberry Jam" without "J"
Dear Jam,
You were fetched early today. There was a sense of mild torture tugging at my heartstrings when I took this picture. But I had to - for memory-sake. It looks here that you are a little confused. You may have sensed something was going on. You will be with Mamala and Papalo at Carmen, Ninang Van drove all of you back to Carmen. God bless their hearts for being so understanding, taking the time to watch over you. You will be with them for a while and a little later in the afternoon, Mamilou and Nahnang will fetch you to bring you to Kauswagan.
You know, our pet plant "Stray" is getting bigger. I can't wait to see it
I passed by STARBUCKS before proceeding to our meeting spot. I didn't want to spend but I was ready to keel over with a stomach less of breakfast and lunch - and dinner later on, to be sure. What is so cute though and even more a torture was when I saw this mother-daughter tandem. They were a team. Then I saw you and
JAMantic of the Day:
I called you as soon as we got to the hotel, which wasn't until 2300Hrs. We were all tired by then from rehearsals. But I just had to call you. Miss Earth 2010 was noisy in the background and you weren't talking for a good two minutes. I finally felt the anxiety to listen to your voice as I'm sure how Daddy feels. I had to keep coaching you to say something and it wasn't until I said Goodnight and I love you did you respond. You could only say "Mommy" and "Mommy" to mean "Goodnight Mommy" and "I love you Mommy". My night is better and I can sleep.
Your Mommy,

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