Days of "Strawberry Jam" without "J"
Dear Jam,
Lovely knows how to pose with her eyes to the side! Plus! Hand on the hip with the other one relaxed by the other side! You just love this new outfit, too from Mamala's gift of new clothes yesterday. This one, a Ralph Lauren Polo hoodie, comes in handy for a weather like this. If we roll the sleeves down, it's perfect for the cold and if we put the hood up, it will protect your head from drizzle. Don't worry, I brought our handy dandy gigantic umbrella, learning from our lesson yesterday.
The day started hectic. I was running against time again but it all came flat on my face. Again. I had thought that the pre-production meeting for the benefit concert where I was performing in would be at 1430Hrs today. We were early and I made sure that we were at least 45 minutes earlier than expected as I detested being late. That is so unlike the
So on we went to DV Soria. We lagged a bit, seeing as it was too early and dropped by Mcky D's to buy you an extra large helping of French Fries, which you munched down without breathing to pause before taking another. Then there we were in the meeting venue only to disappointed to find out that the meeting wouldn't be until later at 1800Hrs. Well, it didn't matter anyway as later on when I tried to fix my schedule, I realized the big conflict there was between that and the HOLCIM Christmas Concert. I dropped the benefit concert. I think that was a blessing in disguise, you know. I was again, going back to how I juggled sidelines before you came, spreading myself too thin. I wanted to because it was the only way I can be available to the people who need me. But maybe God was telling me to take it slow this time and that should I plan to be efficient I should reduce the quantity of my endeavors but increase the quality with every performance.
I don't know what was up with you but you demanded for "boobools". You wanted to take a bath and I felt like it was the only way to calm you down. You wouldn't want to be stopped, you had already taken your pajamas off. I left you in that tub of yours with all the bubbles as I checked the curious little shoot of plant that sprouted in a crevice of our kitchen tiles. It must be from a stray watermelon seed that wouldn't go with the others to the garbage. We'll see how it grows, shall we? I think that would be an adventure. From this day forward, we shall call it "Stray". Had Daddy been here, he would pluck that shoot out before I could even see it. He was able to text us today by the way. Twice. Once when I was at the cafe, to let me know that they were "there". Where t
JAMantic of the Day:
"Aman. Aman." That's why Nahnang calls you German because the Deutsche English pronounciation for "e" is almost around "a". That's how you say "Amen. Amen." to tell me that it was time to pray. That praying time wasn't complete without Yayt on and without the look of forcibly closed eyes. Here, thus portrayed when I asked you "How do you pray, again?" just like that! :D
Your Mommy,

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