Dear Jam,
It's the debut of "365 Days of Strawberry Jam" in Blogspot. I just had to start it already! Because the more I postpone, the more work piles up. I'm just glad to finally retrieve my account details, like password and "username" because I used to have trouble going thru. So I have a lot of catching up to do; a lot of milestones to record and memories to take note of.
I'm happy and thankful with how Daddy gets to balance with my role as a housekeeper, which robs me of the opportunity to sit down and teach you. By the time I sit down from work, I have to plan for the next chore, disregarding the moments when we could have explored words, sounds and textures. Daddy to the rescue; the body part for the day is "chin". He has a very good tactic and I have to congratulate him for that. Whenever he teaches you a new area of the anatomy, he always starts from what you knew already to the part where you last finished. First, he asks for your eyes.
"Where are your eyes? Very good"
The last time he taught you, you stopped at "armpit" and from there, he taught you "chin".Then he lets you repeat the whole sequence until you can figure out the new word by yourself. I didn't see that first hand but I saw it on a review. That and how you snuck up to the ref to get a piece of Graham cracker after finding that there isn't food even as you demanded "nanam" (hungry). I was cooking breakfast when I heard Daddy call me, telling how you managed to open the ref by pulling the ends of the hand towel hanging by the refrigerator handle.
You and I had our own little adventure though and it's something to really cherish! It wasn't supposed to be but that's how adventure is anyway, right? Spontaneous. I wanted to look for an alternative yellow shirt for my show with ABS-CBN where I am required to wear a certain color for the duration of the project. I just can't show up every Saturday with the same shirt! HAHAH! You have to know that Mommy has an insatiable thirst to constantly make a fashion statement - especially on TV! So I understand where you get it. Our adventure brought us from one second-hand clothes store to another until we reached Barrio Gaisano. It's an old mall where the surplus of Gaisano City and Gaisano Mall go to. People rarely go there as it is located in a conspicuously dangerous area of Cogon. But the smart fashionistas who want to buy for basically 70% off regular prize, go there. You've been throwing tantrums there whereas you've been more pleasant in the previous stores we've been to. Too pleasant that a lady from the second-hand store gave you a Hello Kitty patch for
Your Ate Hannah came by to visit - you, as she so emphasizes. She was so excited to see you that it only took her a couple of seconds to talk to me then dashed off upstairs to give you her little gift of candy. Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! Getting spoiled even by cousins, are we? HAHA! You are just too adorable to ignore!
JAMantic of the Day:
1. After a long time of setting your books aside for TV learning, Daddy and I decided to reintroduce you to your books. We took out one of your favorites to read "Bee Kind", which before we even started reading, you went ahead to say "bee". I'm not sure if you could read it but I'm betting that you remember it that way.
2. You can now say 2-word sentences, especially when instructing your Daddy and I. "Dada up" you said when you wanted your Daddy to change the DVD and "Mama Baby" to mean that you wanted the tummy rub to lull you to sleep.
Your MAYmah,

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