Two weeks worth of laundry! Whew! That was a lot of work. Not that it was done by hand because I've relied on the handy washing machine but because with you to take care of and without Daddy, I have more in my hand than washing. Daddy had to cover the morning shift because Nohnong Yolop had a relapse of the fever, who needed to take a rest and see a physician.
We went to the cafe early today and you were left in Papalo's care because Mamala went with Nohnong to see the doctor.
JAMantic(s) of the Day:
1. "Nah, tsk tsk tsk!" Like a grown-up, this was your reaction when you heard plates crash on the floor in a neighbor's house. It's like saying "Oh no! Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!" only, the way you said it, you were like an adult ready to scold the culprit.
2. Interview portion:
ME: Where Daddy?
JAM: (points Daddy)
ME: Where's Mommy?
JAM: (points Mommy)
ME: Where's the moon?
JAM: (points the ceiling)
ME: Where's the star?
JAM: (points HERSELF)
LOL! You really know you're a "STAR"
Your MAYmah,

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