DAY 364: July 8th, 2010
Bedtime Peek-a-BOOK and then Jam.
Daddy was up for an early start to help in the construction of the internet cafe and you were left
to your Nahnang for awhile coz I had to go out and get my prescription lenses your Daddy bought for me. It's quite a big deal because it's his favorite brand LEVI'S, a brand which I myself find a little too extravagant for my taste. Well anyway, he said he would rather by me a pair of expensive while durable eyeglasses than buy a couple of cheap ones over again that easily wear off. Well, I like them and I can't complain. They say that it's sweeter to own something from a gift ;)
But before I left you, I made sure of one thing and that was FOR YOU NOT TO SCRATCH YOUR FLEA BITE. The fleas from the dogs at home are just unbearable. They would jump on a skin at any given chance and they find yours to be quite a buffet. I can't blame you, it's really
rather itchy so as to prevent you from the temptation of running your nails against it, I followed a device your Daddy invented. It's quite simple really. We used your very first HELLO KITTY hanky, a gift from Mamilou and tied it around the affected area. Voila!
Anyway now, since I was already out and about the city as I rarely am, I made a little visit to our favorite bookstore; the BOOKSALE shop at LKK's Big R. I picked out one book for you, which was quite an endeavor because you know ho
w affordable the books come from that place and they all seem to be wonderful titles. But I chose the one that was to my discretion, a very nice bedtime book. Then there was Bedtime Peekaboo for you.
It is so-called because the book opens to flaps which you have to open to reveal the toy that is hiding. You enjoy it quite immensely and when you are, so am I.

Entered: 090210
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