DAY 323: August 18th, 2010; WEDNESDAY
Dear Jam,
I just finished all the pending laundry I didn't get to put in yesterday. I just realized that the water goes ever so slowly at just about 9 AM and that's when the neighbor's and the owner of the apartment use water. I'm changing my laundry schedule earlier by next week.
The coffee spill madness just had
to happen again and this time with Daddy around. He had to scold you, just had to because you were so naughty, ignoring his instructions. He was just keeping you safe from the warm mug but you would insist, as is expected in your age, so you had a bit of an accident. Unlike the first time, the coffee was a bit warmer that it left red spots on you body. However, you did not cry. The only time you started crying was when Daddy told you off. So it was Mommy to the rescue and only Mommy that you wanted, you'd push Daddy's hand aside. Well, the joys and pains of growing up!
To cheer both your spirits up and while Daddy went off to take care
of his BIR and PHILHealth, I
made a delic
ious surprise of Mango Float with you as my little helper. I think you got hyped up with the sugar because I let you eat the left over Graham crackers and cream for snack. You just kept jumping and dancing around, watching your videos. The desert was to pair off the lovely lechon paksiw we made from Uncle Longking's doggy bag luncheon. It was your first time to taste lechon paksiw! YUM!
JAMantic(s) of the Day:
1. Jam spots the people in the picture (in yesterday's post)
ME: Where's Nahnang?
JAM: (Points her Ninang Jai)
ME: Where's Jamjam?JAM: (Points herself)(Then pointing to Tita Titin) Tata.
ME: Yes, Tita.
JAM: (Re-enacts powder application on her face)
You actually remember what you and your Tita did.
2. "Gimme" You told Daddy that you wanted a bite of the mango float when you both shared a slice.
3. You can now distinguish objects for errands without repetition or elaboration from me or Daddy.
Your MAYmah,
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