Maria Venus Raj wins 4th
Runner-Up today in Miss Universe 2010. After a long time since Miriam Quiambao won 1st Runner-Up, a Filipina gets to the top 5! The internet is having a rave about her "Major, Major" mishap or some say fortune but I think that was God's way of relieving the aggravated hearts of our countrymen from what happened yesterday. I am
proud of Miss Raj whatever the case is. I can see your future in her too; Daddy's lean figure, mine and his height combined, and my beauty queenesque presence. Sorry! I can't help fantasize sometimes with a myriad of what your future holds for you. Well, this daydreaming and Venus Raj's victory eases thoughts over other Asian countries banning Filipinos from going to their countries, or having to force OFWs working there to move back here.
Anyway, you had your first knee booboo today.
Today, our PET SOCIETY life on Facebook began. It's a FLASH-animated game built on an interactive concept. I like it becuase it's cute, colorful and it's YOU! Our pet is pink, it has cat ears and it's called STRAWBERRY JAM. :D
JAMantic of the Day:
1. Said "anbayan" to Daddy to mean "Ano ba yan?" when Daddy had a little mistake.
2. Said "Tatap Babay" after getting her bags and acting her way out of the door to mean "Jamjam is saying goodbye".
Your MAYmah,

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