DAY 312: August 29th, 2010; SUNDAY
Dear Jam,
Today was a busy day, I have to admit it - I was very tired and pissed off when I came home. It started with me, all nerve-racked with my first job as an outsourced ABS-CBN host, after a long time. I went early to the studio only to be sent home for make-up. So it wasn't until 1PM that my job really started. Well, I have to say, I still have it. I still have what it takes to entertain people and get the "love". I
couldn't have expected the star treatment even more so people from the crowd taking videos of me, or kids coming up to me, to say I am beautiful and sexy. All these gave me warm fuzzy feelings and made me prouder as a mother because I've realized that having you hasn't changed me for the worse but for the better, it has improved me.
Things were A.O.K. until I got back from work, tired and a little set
off already because Daddy was stammering if he was going to pick me up or not. When he stammers, that's a bad sign because it leads to an irreversible "no". I tossed the issue, being small as it is, off my shoulder and commuted. Then when I come back to the cafe, Daddy says "they" were going to watch fireworks display at SM. That meant, "I" wasn't included in the plan, which he had concocted a couple of days ago. It really threw me off. I was tired from work, add that to feeling disappointment and hurt, which doesn't make it a healthy feeling. I've always dreamt of watching fireworks, something I've never seen live before and I was hoping to do it with you and Daddy - or just Daddy, to spice up the romance. But it turns out he's heading out with your Nohnongs and it hurt me very much. It hurt me because he didn't consider if I would like to go. I was very very hurt, I felt disregarded and forgotten. I sulked as he left, feeling close to tears.
What helped was the fact that
you were with me and that I had 
counseled myself. I considered that perhaps there would be some other time or that Daddy would come to his senses about the issue. Another thing that helped was the late night snack with Mamilou and Nahnang at Pancake House as a belated celebration for Nahnang's recent Nursing Board success.We had more than food and kiwi shake actually, we had a little more than a heart-to-heart talk in fact. We were pouring our hearts out there, thank God, it was closing time and we were practically the last set of customer.
After all these drama of course, we returned to reality - I'm just grateful that part of the reality is you. Mamilou and Nahnang joined me back to Lapasan where they saw you and had a bite from the little celebration for Papalo. Thankfully as well, part of that reality is a sweet reconciliation between me and Daddy.
JAMantic of the Day:
Mamala reports that at lunch, you ate your carbonara like a caveman - err woman. You grabbed a handful of noodles and shoved it to your mouth until your full and satisfied. Hah! My princess kitty, the BARBARIAN! ;)
Your MAYmah,

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