It's our second day at work today and while I was in between speaking to customers, printing files for them, minding the extensions, and guarding the daily earning
, I was uploading what recent
pictures I had taken. One of them caught the fancy of your Ninang Jeng. It was a picture of you (previous
post) playing Plants Versus Zombies. She said that she was hoping you wouldn't turn out to be a computer addict at such young age, just like her. We'll see because on the other hand, you also explored your artistic side of the brain. When we came home, we saw Nahnang playing some pieces that she composed with our electronic keyboard. Later on, before turning in for the night, after getting your beddy-bye milk together, we chanced upon the keyboard, you and I. You just had a
go at it like you were playing something ingenious. Don't get me
wrong. I do believe that in your perception, at your age and this is based on a study, you have actually created a masterpiece. I couldn't be prouder. I'm becalmed that this little discovery of yours has diverted your attention from running your finger on your swollen gums. New teeth a-coming. Even I was distracted of that and anything else as the night wore on because there was a blackout. Nahnang hung out with us in the bedroom, to cuddle and play with you in the dim.
Your MAYmah,

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