DAY 319: August 22nd, 2010; SUNDAY
Dear Jam,
We had
such an experience coming home from Kauswagan, involving the bike and rain. After laundry, chores and sunlight, Daddy drove us to visit your Mamilou, Lolo and Nahnang where they played with you as if you were a doll. We went to get a couple of stuff we
left when we moved, what took a little longer was the time spent playing with you. You were just all over the place, like a real spoiled princess. You enjoyed having to see everyone give
in to your
every whim. I wanted to distract you from throwing a hissy fit by trying on the little Chinese dress I bought when you were a wee one. To our pleasant shock, we saw th
at it was an exact fit! Nahnang said it was the "National Costume Competition", sequel to that swimwear stint that happened before we moved. You looked so cute walking, posing, and even running in the pink outfit. You were just here and there; on the bed, eating Lolo's homemade embutido he especially made for your visit, picking up stuff that shouldn't be picked, and then playing with your Mamilou's new laptop. We put the fake glasses on you while youw ere typing and you do seem to be a convincing enough genius. ;)
From there, we decided to grab a couple of DVD titles. But on our
way, it started raining so hard Daddy had to stop to get us down. We all decided to travel separately; we commute and Daddy to drive the bike with his raincoat on. So you and I dropped by the DVD center and bought Angelina Jolie's SALT and THE EXPENDABLES, starring a couple of good action stars, to mention Jet Li, Jason Statham, and Sylvester Stallone. We also bought a spoofed version of the TWILIGHT saga called VAMPIRE SUCK, which Daddy strongly averred, I shouldn't be watching when you are around as it could get both graphic and pornographic. He needn't worry because I bought you your own videos; Brainy Babies and Sesame Street. Daddy nodded his head when he saw Sesame Street. We both like the fact that you'll be enjoying a show we both practically grew up watching. Not to forget, Daddy is a big COOKIE MONSTER fan like you and me. ;)
What was so amusing though was when we were watching the movies. I think your Daddy was distracted with TV that he left you fiddling with your PLAYTEX anti-COLIC bottle, the one with the twist bottom. You managed to turn that open and BOOM! Out comes milk! It was all over the sheets and pillow. But you're so precious, you weren't even fussed that's why Daddy and I merely laughed.
JAMantic of the Day:
1. CAT versus HAT errand. As cat and hat sound the same, we expected that you would have trouble distinguishing one from the other. But when Daddy told you to pick one after the other, you picked them in the order he said it. Now that's progress!
2. Said"at"for HAT.
3. Said"Dodo"for your big pink stuffed bear "Georgio". What's even more amazing is that we haven't spoken of the bear's name since Daddy bought it for you and that was when he arrived. That had to be April and you barely spoke with sense. This could only mean that you were able to retain the information that the bear's name is "Georgio" for four months! You're truly amazing!
Your MAYmah,

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