Dear Jam,
We had pizza for dinner today! :D
Your Lolo won some mini-lottery they call swertres and ordered pizza from his winnings to share with us. That plus corn for snacks, you just had a variety of food and
textures churning in your stomach right now.
We stayed at home today and watched HELLO KITTY and FRIENDS. There is one episode where Keroppi wanted to be taller. He was sad that he couldn't join the carnival rides because he couldn't meet the height requirements. So he decided to create mechanical legs to make him taller than his friends.

But he and his friends were caught in a peril where Keroppi needed to let his mechanical legs go and use his gift of "height" ;) The moral of the story teaches us be contented of who we are and what we have. I give it FIVE STARS for being so whimsical.
We also watched the new KARATE KID on DVD. It's a cuter version, starred in by Jackie Chan and Will Smith's son Jaden. I already saw the movie in theater with Daddy but I just had to watch it again. When Daddy and I were watching, I asked him how he'd feel if we had a son after his own swag, who would walk and act like him. It's cute coz the Smiths have an older kid, a daughter. So I said it would be nice to have a boy after you. Just thinking, you know. ;)
Your MAYmah,

Following is an entry of the same day from last year's milestone journal.
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