Dear Jam,
It was still raining a bit today but it stopped in the afternoon when you went out to meet the new puppies at the backyard and then later when you, your Nahnang and I went to Lapasan. We dropped you off in the care of Mamala, Papalo and Nohnong while Nahnang and I went to Limketkai and had the PS2 checked. It has been acting up lately, rejecting some titles like Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and Guitar Hero. I also wanted to look for a title that was suitable for your age aside from the one that you already have.

As again, since we were already in Limketkai, we went to BOOKSALE! OUR FAVORITE STORE! Your Nahnang and I most definitely agreed on a book with a cute kitty cat named Calico. This book of his series was about Calico losing his stuffed teddy, which was soon found with the help of his friends. Thus the title is "Friends for Calico". I give
it FIVE STARS for the heart-warming story of FRIENDSHIP and FAITH, for the wonderful and colorful rendition which I believe was in pastel media and for making you scream as soon as you saw the book. You just love cats and you just love books!
It's your Auntilou Ching's birthday today. Say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" kitten. ;)
Your MAYmah,

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