DAY 322: August 19th, 2010; THURSDAY
Dear Jam,
You looked like a pre-schooler on your way to
class with your dress, your PIKACHU bag and sandal-ed feet with white socks. You amused Daddy and me when we were having lunch and you were already in that attire. You put the PIKACHU knap sack on your back and hid in a clutter of stuffed toys. We were laughing at how you looked so camouflaged and that you looked like an adorable toy yourself. You were so precious to watch.
You were acquainted to Charice Pempengco today. While I was cooking breakfast, I put the David Foster and Friends Concert DVD to keep you in your spot. It was also for a change of program from everyday Hello Kitty videos. So we had some music and you had your orientation to a child sensation who made it from YOUTube, to Oprah, and to the whole world - and she's a Filipina! ;)
Ninang Jeng passed by the cafe today to drop off a
special gift, which she had been so intent to give to you. Unfortunately, the timing was bad because when she arrives, you were already asleep in your hammock upstairs. The gift is a lovely "Treasury of Fairy Tales" which I myself dreamed of buying for you when you grow up. The leaves are thin glossy paper that you may accidentally tear when you go through the pages at this stage. So Daddy and I are setting it aside for safe keeping, although, I am so excited to read the stories to you!
Thinking of it now, the drowse must have been an effect of the
lollipop I gave you. It was your first lollipop but it wasn't a lollipop that can be bought off a sari-sari store. We bought it from a candy store and it came in a box of mini Chupa-Chups RELAX. I really didn't believe it had that effect on me, until now that I am reckoning that I did give you one to finish by yourself. You hung on to it even as you were crying when I left you in Papalo's care.
JAMantic of the Day:
"Ayay" - It's an "oh no" reaction we sey upon a mishap and you just said it today to Daddy's and my surprise.
Your MAYmah,

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