You're motor skills and language development made a wonderful leap today. You managed to pronounced letter A thru D after me and said "edbash" when I was brushing my teeth while mimicking my brushing action. So you said 'ey' for A, 'bee' after B,'see' for C, 'dee' for D, and said 'ey' for every other letter after D. I am proud of you and I am not rushing you to speak English at a very young age so I want you to take the time and learn whatever. Except for cursing that is. ;)
Daddy's result from his Medical Exams just in. Everything is okay except that he was warned to get his exercise regiment back in track. They must have discovered something but he's not telling. We'll discuss it when he comes home. I just hope it's nothing serious.
I feel a bit bad today. It has something to do with a lady with her less than half-a-year baby. We stopped by AGFA to change jeepney when the rain started pouring. I had been prepared with that big umbrella of ours and wrapped you in your windbreaker. Then we happened upon the lady whose baby was meagerly wrapped in flannel cloth, save for the child's clothes, it was barely protected from the rain. She approached us that she needed something to cover them from the rain. I asked her where they were headed and said that they were taking another direction from where we were going. Our jeep was waiting and I was still thinking if I was going to be a good Samaritan or not.
I was weighing that if we went with them, which our umbrella would quite suffice, I would risk getting you even wetter. I had to think of you first. So we hopped in the jeepney, saying sorry to the lady. It wasn't until the jeepney had left that I thought of giving your windbreaker to her so she can cover her baby, anyway, we had an umbrella to cover your head. It was too late. I felt disappointed in myself and thought, what if we were in that situation. Knowing my own cautiousness though, I know it wouldn't because I always came prepared even if I needed to carry a tent over my back just to protect you, I would. I was glad to be distracted when you watched a boy right across us in the jeep with such polite attentiveness. You looked at me every time the boy, who is about three years old, spoke in a trilling voice to demand for his Lola's attention. I whispered to tell you that it was rude to stare. I could't blame you to be very observant though, so it's okay. :D
Your MAYmah,

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