235 (and then some)Days of "Strawberry Jam" without "J"
Dear Jam,
I feel the love that people have for you. With that being so, I feel loved and appreciated as well. It started when Ninang Jeng asked me if you liked ELMO. I was honest when I told her that you only were often roused to any COOKIE MONSTER stimuli, from all of the SESAME STREET characters. When she elaborated that she downloaded some videos of ELMO, I was ecstatic to tell her it didn't matter besides you're all grown up now and may just have more room to decode Elmo's high-pitched nasal voice. Haha! I had thought it was just that when suddenly she added that she saw something in the mall that easily reminded her of you. I think she is hoping to buy it the soonest her budget permits. She added that you've become Ninang-Jeng-spoiled. I disagreed and said that being your Mommy, I'm getting spoiled with all her attention as well. We had hoped to meet by Sunday but we had planned the day ahead so perhaps, another time. Well, it's been quite long since she saw you and for someone who dotes much on you, that's a long time.
I also heard from Ninang Charissa who just arrived in the city. It's going to be her birthday in a couple of days! Weeeh! I remember last year when we went to THAI ME UP to celebrate her birthday. You were so little then and barely a year old. But of course, you already showed a lot of potential way back. We have a lot of catching up to do, your Ninang and I - and you. In my excitement, I let the cat out of the bag, telling her about our gift! Dang! Hahah! Then here is Tita Vanessa, your eternal fan! She's been a fan ever since she and Nohnong started dating. It must be due to Nohnong's pure doting on you, affecting her. We were on the last hour of our shift when I saw that she had come online, liking at least every one of your picture on Facebook. I told her jokingly that I couldn't catch up with her clicking to thank her for every like. It was there that she confessed that she has been a fan of yours and by saying that, it makes her a fan of me. Hahah! Yes, she said that too and that's flattery at its best. It's really sweet to have everyone love you so much, it could only mean I have done right by you and conceiving you is perhaps the best blessing indeed. And the people who show their love for us are blessings all the same.
(This picture of you by the way was taken earlier today when you said "tiss" and had the lotion bottles "kiss" hihih!)

So, how was our day? You finally had a Kid's Punch Bubble Bath! Yeap! I just figured out a means to have you sit in one place while I bustled to do the chores quickly. It is timely how after the menial, I get to join you in the shower. Had the tub been bigger and the bathroom a bit bigger than the tub, I think I would have joined you. Oh! It was a joy to see you splish-splash-splosh in a tub filled with the fruity scents of oranges, kiwis, pineapple, grapes, lemons and "strawberries"!!! With that fruity bath, you decided to be fruit-colored as well and again demanded to match shoes with sunglasses when we left for work.
Quite surprisingly, you demanded for me to tie your hair up. This is you now, after Angel's tied up hair "encouraged" you to tie up as well. I wouldn't call it surprised exactly but it was something new to me, Mamala and Papalo when we reached the cafe with hair still intact and untouched. Well, pleasantly surprised then. We all agreed that you have decided to become a lady finally. You must have felt the breeze come to your face after months of being hidden in those bangs that when we headed out, you insisted to walk on your own without my assistance. You had fun, strutting your stuff. You ran amok, if that's right to say because you almost broke off to a run in the street, I had to keep a watchful eye for incoming vehicles. Oh God! I just dread having to let you off by yourself but there just need to be a day for it. The day will come and soon you will be crossing the street by yourself. Not too soon I hope. :/
Your Tita Jet finally read our review on the Nativity movie , which we recommended to her. She's excited to see it. I forgot to tell her that even before we watched the movie, I was thinking about her and that perhaps we could watch it with her. She is a lover of music and theater as well, so it was easy for her to spring into my mind when the DVD stall owner suggested it. She said she was reading "365 Days of Strawberry Jam" too and found it endearing to be mentioned. Well, recalling what I replied to her comment on Facebook, I said that I wanted to make sure that you, Jam, remembered the people who made "365 Days of Strawberry Jam" for the "Strawberry" wouldn't be a "Jam" if it there weren't other "ingredients".
Love. Love. Love. You are loved and remember that! For as your Mamala and Papalo aren't literature-ly expressive as I am to you, they express it in the means they easiest can. That is - buying you toys. More toys actually. When I went up the FoodHauz for the cafe closing, I found that you had a new toy bike. Add that to what you had from them last week, to the kitten, to the plastic chair and to everything else, you have more than any one child could ask for. Just look at the kids in the neighborhood. The reason why they hang out here and pester me in the cafe is because they neither have enough attention at home nor anymore decent toys nor playmates. *sigh*
We didn't have movie tonight. I decided that it was time we hit the books again. We went through the Treasury for Fairytales from Ninang Jeng and pointed out which words associated with which picture. You were good with the "bew" in Goldilocks, "tat" in Puss in Boots, and "ors" for the horses in Cinderella's horse-drawn carriage. I attempted to read you RUMPELSTILTSKIN but you demanded "nets" or next. Really, I wanted to review it for myself after seeing his annoying version in Shrek, Forever After. But no, you wanted to have something else to do with the books and that is to line them up side by side.
JAMantic of the Day:
We were in for a little fruity today really. We had a smorgasbord of fruits
for dessert as well. I brought slices of peach, one ponkan "wange" and a slice of "simon" together to encourage different sensations on your taste bud. But you still knew which one was the "simon" and that you preferred it over the "peets" and "wange". You remembered the lesson for which you were spanked the other day. This time, you don't spit the food on the bed or floor anymore but into the bowl whence after you complained you only wanted "mole" or small. You also said "no mo" when there was no more milk. ;) Good Kitten!
Your Mommy,

This is a cute picture of you tonight when we got home and you demanded for "tookies". I gave you some crackers and here, you found you seated next to Crookshanks, whom you had seated properly yourself. I find this picture amusing to see how you could be so little and yet be so much like Daddy.
236 (and then some)Days of "Strawberry Jam" without "J"
Dear Jam,
You can be sure that you and I are a lot better today; healthwise and well...both physical and emotional health. I had to try my very best otherwise we would have a row everyday until you grow. Look at me and Mamilou, we can hardly stand staying in one house for too long, or else we would always have a debacle on something even those of the niggling sort.
Here we are waking up quite peacably, kissing and cuddling. I was unconsciously talking in Voldemort's hissing, whispery voice when you heard me and jumped right under my arms. You don't like him, I reckon. Well, no child does. I let you have a hoot at the empty PRINGLES bottle where you blew cowlike sounds. You are quite creative on your own and I couldn't be prouder.
It's true that the eyes speak a lot. It really looks here that you are getting better and well, feeling
a little happier that I gladly acquiesce to
whatever requests you may. Yes, I let you have a piece of the cake when last night I was afraid that the sugar from the icing might hop you up. But you already have the energy without it as evident with the theatrics you pulled off before actually hitting the sack. Then I also let you have a piece of the colorful sugar flowers. If you come to think about it, these sweet things could make your cough a lot worse. But worst would be a fit of raving demands of "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" so I let you have it, thinking that there is always a way to get around the lesser evil. In this case, next to your tantrums, an imminent tonsillitis and worsening of the cough is the lesser evil. To get around that, we have water therapy. Anyway, I am thankful that you didn't finish it up and Cinammon's cakes aren't as annoyingly sweet to the throat as other cakes. Paddylou has gotten out, had a little more strength in his lungs and legs to come out and stay with you for awhile at breakfast. He was happier seeing you before we left off for work, our first day since the five days of isolation.
Well, I had a lovely surprise coming online. I found that Daddy had left a picture on his Facebook
where they were docked in Finland. I wouldn't wonder where you get your creativity from, for apart from Mommy being an artist, Daddy is quite one himself. They say that men are a lot better in relation to arts when allowed to be expressive, however when they can be expressive is not very often thus Daddy's art comes quite rarely. But he is good. He is even better at photography when we use one subject and a camera each. His photo spoke a lot of that artist. I will let the photo do the talking now. His profile picture in fact was an attempt of a snow angel. Yeah, I see his point, being as he is an "Angel" to us and he is on the snow. If you know what I mean. ;)
Everyone was happy to see you when we arrived in Lapasan. When back in Kauswagan, you
were crying for being handled by Nahnang, you were glad to be passed on from Mamala to Papalo. Then lo and behold a cute, cuddly fuzzball greats you in the form of a new cat. It looked like the Meemeen that we lost and I had thought it returned, which unfortunately wasn't the case. Wherever that Meemeen is, I hope its new human is treating it with much love. We will just have to make do with this new Meemeen now. Do take good care of it and - please don't step on it with overwrought eagerness. Please? For your own good, Pumpkin.
I stumbled upon this interesting read in LISTVERSE, by the way. I found it under the "Top 10
Shocking Historical Beliefs and Practices". Shocking indeed! Apart from wife selling, the cure to female hysteria, human skin used on books and boots, and lobotomy, I found "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Teething Kids" to be a foot-in-my-mouth. It was a concoction given to children around the 19th to 20th century, formulated by Charlotte N. Winslow that claims to soothe "any human or animal". The syrup is said to contain amounts of morphine, opium, sodium, and ammonia. Imagine my shock! And here I was worrying about giving you Benadryl! Sheesh!
Sad to say, the copy that we have is inaudible. Had the picture not been clear, I wouldn't understand half of the movie. It's nothing too special really. Or else, it was really meant to be viewed in 3D but so far as the story is concerned, it
doesn't say much. Although it was a learning experience for me to discover that every wolf pack has an Alpha Male and Female as well as an Omega Male and Female. The pack with the Alpha Male seeks to find a pack with an Alpha Female, who can be mated for theirs. As any movie is bound to a twist, the Alpha Female sets out in an accidental adventure with the Omega Male. Now these two characters are determinedly opposites. The Alpha is motivated, driven and a potential leader while the Omega is an easy-going, happy-go-lucky, God-knows-where-it-wants-to-wander-anytime kind of fella. But their adventure takes them to appreciate their differences and appreciate that turkeys and ducks can also be counted on as friends, more than anything - well, errr...like food. They also happen to be a chiropractor and a golfer. The verdict? Three Stars. That is, until we get a DVD copy!
JAMantic of the Day:
You spoke a lot! You must be in the spirit as you saw I was in a good mood to bow to your whims and speak to you every so kindly despite your demands. When I was checking what was left of the stretch marks on my tummy, you shook your head and closed my shirt down, burying your head over it so that I couldn't pull it up again. I did it again anyway to confirm your discomfort in me doing it and it was then that you told me "I tat see tat" and did it again. HAHAHAHA! I was so amazed and shocked so pleasantly I hugged and kissed you. You just went total English on me, Pumpkin! "I can't see that!" By Jove!
But that's not the only thing now. While I was washing your feeding bottle, you were singing like you sang the song you composed for me. Wriggling to your tune, you sang "Dee dee dee dee dee dee wash wash" and again until I was done. You also said "stee stee stee stee" everytime you attempted to pull off the sticker label from your hand. You repeated "stee" with every attempt.
When energy was coming down at last, we had shadow play. As the energy went down further, you sat on my lap and asked me to "dode" your feet and wiggle it in front of the light so it would cast a shadow on the wall. "Dode" is hold, of course! Heheh!
Your Mommy,
November 24, 2009
Dear Baby Kitten,
Whew! It's gonna be a long report but first let me start with a recap of the days I didn't have entries for.
November 18
Tita Vanessa, Ninong Poloy's girlfriend, joined me in an experimental photoshoot at home. It was our first time to personally meet each other although we have been exchanging text messages. Initially, it was planned to inspire Korean fashion, however, as we mixed and matched the clothes and as the shoot went on, it looked too Haute Couture, which for me is actually better than planned. I also texted Tito Doc about your lack of appetite and he gave us a prescription of PROPAN. I hope it has worked since we started on the 19th.
November 19
Tita Bapbap and Bembem (or Tita Babap and Bebem to you) came by to pick up their parcel from the balikbayan only for us to end up discussing about the Masquerade, which I believe your Tita Babap and Ninang Jaijai would be able to attend, schedule-permitting.
November 20
By the way, Mamilo got the FLU on the 19th and Ninang Jaijai got the colds on the 20th. Albeit runny nose, Ninang scours through our cabinet for our Masquerade gowns.
November 21
Ninang Jaijai, Tita Babap, Tita Den, Tita Carla, Tita Vanessa and I join the UNMASKED Masquerade Party at the GRAND CAPRICE. Nothing much happened but gowns, pictorials and food. Other than that, we leave to CCF Singles - Oh! I almost forgot! There's this guy named (confidential, your Ninang will hate me for telling hehehe!) who courted Ninang back in 2007, who also - happened to attend the same event. Rekindling! NOT! Your Ninang doesn't like him and though I may have been the jeering, teaseful and harrier - I don't like him for her either. Well, he didn't effort to be warmer to her or kinder to her that day, if you know what I mean! ;)
November 22
It's the Feast of Christ the King and Mamilou had to facilitate the mass in the Divine Mercy Shrine so she leaves the mass in the Atrium to Nanhang, me and yes, you! Ninang had to be commentator, in place of Mamilou and we took care of everything else including a gift of Php500 from Unclolo Longking. We bought ice cream and brought it to Carmen where we play Monopoly only losing to Ate Mae Anne. Damn! She is good with money and business! Hehehe! As I sure hope you will in reality! ;)
November 23
Mommy gets the FLU as a confirmation for the feverish feeling I was having on the 22nd. II guess I got everyone else's virus because the people in Carmen reportedly had the symptoms, too. And it's even colder for me because the rain has started pouring in. But there had to be warm fuzzies like Daddy calling in to check if I am okay and to say that they are one their way to Europe/ Also your cute effort of repeating the word "BEAR" in the British accent - warm fuzzy! *sigh*
November 24
And today, just when it's Mamilou's birthday, things get a lot worse in Kauswagan in this darned weather. Yes, flood! It had been raining nonstop and they say it won't until Friday. So here we are in Carmen, our first night. Ninong Vanvan vacates the room and gives it to us; you know, this is where Daddy and I slept when I stayed here in 2008. Haay...the memories as if it was just yesterday! Though it may be nice to stay here, I hope for all our sake, I pray that this typhoon named URDUJA would stop! Let it not be another January tragedy! There you are stirring. I guess you're having difficulty settling in. :D
Love, Mamimeow
237 (and then some)
Days of "Strawberry Jam" without "J"
Dear Jam,It has been quite stressful today. And I mean stressful in a bad way because when it comes to you, I rarely fuss about anything. But my temperature just went and I guess so did my blood pressure. Here I was thinking that yesterday was the worse for the both of us.
It started bad early on. I had suspected that I was in for a row when you woke up earlier than you were later asleep last night. You were asleep at 0200Hrs but suddenly up at 0700HRs. I knew it wasn't going to be good. You were constantly at my wake, I couldn't seem to lift a finger to clean the dust, which apparently has become the culprit that worsened both your cough and mine. You were just screaming again like last night and as much as I pacified you with comforting words, you wouldn't sway - 
worse when I was screaming over your screaming to get my point to you, too. Somehow when you were becalmed on my shoulder, Mamala turns up with a hearty beef broth, warm chicken liver saute and a lovely head of "simon". I was inwardly grateful to Mamala for being around, assisting your first attempt to be kempt as to clean up a whole bowl of soup. Thanks to her I also got to do a couple of chores, like sweeping the floor, taking the garbage out, and washing that soup-soaked sheet that got in the way of your "exploit". You were agreeable with her this time when usually in Papalo's presence, you would shrug her efforts off. I think she enjoyed the meager time with you as well, you had her pose as your model and took pictures of her albeit snot was running away from your nose with your imagination. She stayed for awhile, making sure everything was according to our comforts and left for the FoodHauz/Cafe to tell the others about you and why we are still taking the time off today.

A little later I left you to your devices, sensing that forcing anything on you or down your throat would only come out as either verbal vomit or the sticky one. I turned to check you in my pretended sleep to find that you had turned your back on me, asleep as well. Thank God! Nahnang arrived a little while later with delicious sauteed shrimps courtesy of Mamilou, who happens to be celebrating her birthday today. With budget constraints, we had to make do with the money Paddylou set aside for Mamilou's cake. You were in Nahnang's care for awhile as I had to run to a meeting with HOLCIM and AVMAC for the Christmas Party this December 6th in Lugait. There I met with a very interesting character in the person of Renz, who is to be my co-host during the event. He is also, like Ninong Van and Tito Kirby, a member of G-Clef. Yes, he is interesting and hopefully so our tandem will be on the 6th. It's going to be a very big show, that's why we have to go through these pre-production once in every while. I am in for a lot of pressure right now and to think I haven't started drafting the new sketch I will be performing for the 5th, 6th and 11th. Be the inspiration I know you are, Kitten please! That's all I need of you right now, not the bad side of the twirly-wirly.

I dropped off at Cinammon to buy one of their delectable birthday cakes for Mamilou before proceeding to our pad where Mamilou was waiting with you and Nahnang. Though it was her birthday, you and I were in for a surprise. Instead of having to share the cake over coffee at the pad, we were invited to spend the night at Kauswagan where we had more sauteed shrimp, saucy chicken liver, cake and the delicious pizza from Biaños. We passed by their pizza parlor where, hadn't I allowed you to do whatever, you would have been throwing tantrums. Well, you did after I blocked you from their Christmas Tree, which Christmas balls you shook off and terrorized.
Mamilou and Nahnang said hadn't we been barking with the cough ,we would have had ice cream, too. That's okay. What mattered was that we were there for Mamilou and though we may not have any present of the material sort, we gave her one heck of a gift. Laughter! We gave her dance number after interpretative dance after ballet after cha-cha-cha. Or what they seemed like. She was throwing her head back and struggling to keep her bladder tight as she roared with laughter. Soon you had her join you in a fancy jig or what it looked like. A little later, after doing menial chores, Nahnang joined us where the two of you did some more interpretative dance.

As the night wore on, you looked alright when we let Spunky do his infamous dance. But later on, you became impossible. Nahnang witnessed this so. You will forgive me for not giving what you wanted. What you wanted was the light on - to play with. I don't recall having given you sugar or anything to be so hyped but you were. Though your eyes looked too tired and sleepy, you wouldn't give in to slumber. I got so angry because all this drama sent you vomiting your milk and everything else that was meant to nourish your ailing immunity. But I think I was way over my head when I said "Why are you doing this in purpose? Why can't you hold back?" It was 3AM, we were both tired and sick and there suddenly in the silence after my voice, I realized that I should be asking myself 'Why can't you hold back? She's just a baby?'
After that, it dawned on me that we hadn't put our hands together yet to pray. So that's just what we did. After the "Angel of God", I added a little something for myself in the end, asking God to make you a little more kinder to me and that He could give me a little more strength and patience.
I am thankful however these incertitude of life, what with the ups and downs, I am cheered with messages from Tita Teeteen and Daddy. Daddy said that they are on their way to Asia. I was a bit surprised for I had, all this time, thought they had already embarked for their next destination. As for your sweet Tita Teeteen, bless her heart, she said hi and told us how she had been missing us and quite expressively stated her love for you and me. *sigh* Thank God for loved ones!
JAMantic of the Day:
Unfortunately for Paddylou though, he couldn't join, he was braking with the worse of asthma, COPD and flu. He didn't have the appetite for the food tonight, though they were all his favorite. He didn't even have the strength to get up and see you and your dancing. This is what you call, in your perfect pronunciation, "fall" after Mamilou told you that "Lolo's immune system went for a fall." Heheh! Then you nodded your head to agree with her. Earlier today you said "eesin" for medicine when it was time for administration.
Your Mommy,
238 (and then some)
Days of "Strawberry Jam" without "J"

Dear Jam,
Indeed, you look sick and gaunt. Here you are on your third day with the cough and a little temperature. Now, following our good doctor's, your thoughtful Ninang Nat as well, we proceeded to Cefalexin. It must also be noted here that today, you have graduated from the medicine dropper to the medicine cup. I am very very grateful to the Lord Almighty that however these medicines may go through those tiny taste buds, you take them without fuss. You took the prescription bottoms up and even licked drops left over the required dosage.

As soon as you had enough sleep, we headed out to the drugstore to buy the medicine. It was hot and it was worse for us. Were it not for the kindly pharmacist who doted on you saying "Hi pretty girl!" I think everything else would have been unbearable. Thanks to the big slice of "simon" and four ponkan oranges, too, walking in the heat was a little joy to endure. That's "wange" to you actually, one of the reason why you look all moist and shaken in this picture. Why? You were crying, just like yesterday. Just as if I wouldn't give you anything in the world and as if I hit you with my hands when I haven't. Had there been people nearby our house, they would have thought me abusing you with a display of pipes like that, screaming at the top of your lungs just to get me to do what you want. You poked the "wange" when you couldn't wait for me.
There's a stressful part for me. You spilled the soup on the bed. I was stressed out because I
totally fussed about it when I didn't use to. I used to excuse you for spilling anything on me or on where. But I think the pressure has taken it's toll. I think you and I know that you are grown enough to understand what to do and what not to do. But then again maybe not. Maybe I have been too hard on you scolding you with such passion that I had forgotten I was talking to my own precious flesh and blood, who has barely reached the age of toddler comprehension. I am sorry to you and to myself. I think I am trying too hard not to scold you that all the pent up preaching has finally blown up to the roof. 
Sometimes, we just have to be to ourselves to learn from each other's mistakes. I am sorry, Love.
Anyway, things were better when you were pacified by "simon" and sleep. When you woke up, you were eager to bite on anything that got into your teeth's way. Cute. Yeah because you aren't much of a biter. To see you with the drive to bite even your own feet, my hands not excused, really tickled me deadly. If you weren't doing that, you
were arranging the pillows or else placing and replacing the puzzle mat. Sometimes, you could be a little anal like Daddy, trying to be more obsessive compulsive with arranging stuff than I know myself to habituate in.
Aha! A fancy turn of events! It seems as though the last visit from Angel has prompted this. The day they came here, she wore her hair up with a rubber band. Tonight, before going to sleep, you took my scrunchie said "hair" and gestured me to tie it all up. So I did and unlike before when you often took it off before a minute your hair could stand in that band, you didn't fiddle with it or take it off. My my! My baby is now a lady, should I say?

And then on to a stressful pre-sleep squabble again. You wouldn't sleep. It was already 0200Hrs but still you would insist to play "Meemeen" aka that favorite Hello Kitty animation of yours. It was okay when I switched it off but when I took "yayt" the cat led lamp form your clutches, you were screaming, bawling forever. I told you off as you choked in your saliva, spewing your mucous and innards, if you may. Everytime I spoke, you always made it a point that your cry was louder than my voice was speaking. I turned my back on you and that's when you begged me to stop. You finally slept when we kissed, hugged and prayed. I guess that got you exhausted. I have to tell you, it exhausted me much. You must have taken a liking to the "yayt" because I allowed you to hold it for awhile when you demanded it first. I let you pose with it as solitary light and took a melancholy picture of you with it. You must have misconstrued it a toy. Hmmph!
JAMantic of the Day:
"mseek" is how you said "music" when you asked me to play your list in my phone. You must have learned from hearing, I am glad your speaking it up!
Love, Mommy

239 (and then some)
Days of "Strawberry Jam" without "J"Dear Jam,
This photo will definitely prove one thing is true for us, you are very sick. Neither your eyes would be this glassy nor your nose could be so moist normally. I can say that the virus struck a gold mine as your immune system doesn't often welcome unhealthiness. I decided that today was a perfect day to just stay at home. Why? Because Mommy is sick, too. I am having the temperature and I think you are as well.
I am also getting the unusual temper about you and I am sorry to say, you have been nearly impossible. I think of it as your way of passing this time out but it's just too much sometimes, I am often led to remind myself of what Daddy told you "You cannot get everything that you want." But seeing as you aren't getting any better, you are excused until I see that you are using this as an alibi to get me to bow to your whims.
In the afternoon, after a little help of broth and a longer time for respite you had a kick back on some of the usual energy. We used this energy to dance around in a cha-cha like fashion. When I pointed the clock, I told you that you will have dinner at seven after med and then you nodded and said "time". Excellent!

For dessert I let you have your first go at canned peaches. We ran out of your favorite "simon" so I had to open our stores, bring out the peaches, which you delightfully identified as "peets". You like it but not as much as you like your simon or lanzones. I think you merely liked to see how the spoon goes quickly thru the soft pulp and out as if without harm. Funny, you!
Daddy texted you know. A lot. But I ran out of load and barely had the strength to fight myself off from under the covers. So there, I only got to reply a couple of important stuff about why you and I are home.
This happens to be the second time you saw the movie but you were younger then and didn't understand much but the lead actor, which was a dog. This time, like MONSTERS Inc, you get to take in all the colors more and appreciate the sights and sounds and point out who was "yayay" aka crying. I like it anyway and this must be the fourth time I saw it. I like it for, thank God, the characters are brought to life by talented British actors like Bill Nighy, a talented old sire starring in Harry Potter of late; Ian McKellen, another one in that category as Gandalf in Lord of the Rings; Robbie Williams, once a singer now voices Doogal the cute hairy rascal and Kylie Minogue an Australian singer and cancer survivor.
Ian McKellen voices Zebedee, a springy character who takes care of all that is spring and growing. On the contrary is his evil brother Zeebad who wants to freeze the earth over. The Magic Roundabout in Doogal's town is magical indeed as it houses the three magical diamonds that control the seasons and Zeebad himself, a prisoner. To Doogal's unfailing want for everything sugar and sweet, he cart-naps the town's candyman trolley but unable to control it, sends it crashing to the roundabout. With this happening, he sends the
diamonds flying and Zeebad free. They now not only have to save the earth before it becomes a freezing pit but save Doogal's owner, voiced by Miss Minogue, who is trapped with other townspeople in the iced roundabout. It's fun, where there's a rocking Billy Nighy rabbit, a thoughtful train, a snail who dotes on a soprano-singing cow, and... well, a soprano-singing cow. Hahah!

While watching the movie, you kept asking me to open and pinch out a drop of lotion or two, or more than. "oo-shoon" to you by the way. First, you massaged it over me then on yourself until you simply found it to be fun to play with. I think this is where you and I had a little squabble. You would bawl and cry if I didn't give in but it's just too much sometimes. In the end, you and I had to kiss and hug - besides, there's only the two of us and I love you too much to be angry for too long.
JAMantic of the Day:
I didn't want to have you glued to the television forever, so I took the book Ninang Jeng bought you and went over it again. It was FATHER CAT'S BUSY DAY. Tonight, you learned to say "shoppin" for shopping, "wom" for worm, learned the expressions "ungh!" and the facial grimace that goes with it, "uh-oh" with the palm-mouth action, and the sound effect made when sipping from a straw. A round of applause for my Baby, please? ;)
Your Mommy,