Days of "Strawberry Jam" without "J"
Dear Jam,
Indeed, you look sick and gaunt. Here you are on your third day with the cough and a little temperature. Now, following our good doctor's, your thoughtful Ninang Nat as well, we proceeded to Cefalexin. It must also be noted here that today, you have graduated from the medicine dropper to the medicine cup. I am very very grateful to the Lord Almighty that however these medicines may go through those tiny taste buds, you take them without fuss. You took the prescription bottoms up and even licked drops left over the required dosage.
There's a stressful part for me. You spilled the soup on the bed. I was stressed out because I
Sometimes, we just have to be to
ourselves to learn from each other's mistakes. I am sorry, Love.
Anyway, things were better when you were pacified by "simon" and sleep. When you woke up, you were eager to bite on anything that got into your teeth's way. Cute. Yeah because you aren't much of a biter. To see you with the drive to bite even your own feet, my hands not excused, really tickled me deadly. If you weren't doing that, you
Aha! A fancy turn of events! It seems as though the last visit from Angel has prompted this. The day they came here, she wore her hair up with a rubber band. Tonight, before going to sleep, you took my scrunchie said "hair" and gestured me to tie it all up. So I did and unlike before when you often took it off before a minute your hair could stand in that band, you didn't fiddle with it or take it off. My my! My baby is now a lady, should I say?
And then on to a stressful pre-sleep squabble again. You wouldn't sleep. It was already 0200Hrs but still you would insist to play "Meemeen" aka that favorite Hello Kitty animation of yours. It was okay when I switched it off but when I took "yayt" the cat led lamp form your clutches, you were screaming, bawling forever. I told you off as you choked in your saliva, spewing your mucous and innards, if you may. Everytime I spoke, you always made it a point that your cry was louder than my voice was speaking. I turned my back on you and that's when you begged me to stop. You finally slept when we kissed, hugged and prayed. I guess that got you exhausted. I have to tell you, it exhausted me much. You must have taken a liking to the "yayt" because I allowed you to hold it for awhile when you demanded it first. I let you pose with it as solitary light and took a melancholy picture of you with it. You must have misconstrued it a toy. Hmmph!
JAMantic of the Day:
"mseek" is how you said "music" when you asked me to play your list in my phone. You must have learned from hearing, I am glad your speaking it up!
Love, Mommy

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