Days of "Strawberry Jam" without "J"
Dear Jam,
This is how you looked like early in the morning when you saw me packed and ready to leave for cafe duty. You were cranky. Or else you were trying to work your magic on me as you clearly saw that you were not leaving with me. But you needn't worry because we spent the evening together after I was done with work. And what an adventure you had today!
We went to STARBUCKS where you had your first STARBUCKS Strawberries and Creme Frapp. I promised, didn't I? It's a promise I couldn't break, especially since early in the morning before work, I dropped by and grabbed a Christmas brew for myself. I felt bad that I went ahead to get one for myself before you. You were all over the place that I couldn't write any better to explain what you were doing and how you have behaved there so I will let the pictures do the talking! xD
We simply passed by STARBUCKS because afterward, we needed to go to MALLBERRY for my meeting with Ma'am Arlen of AVMAC, a production company I have to work with for an up-coming HOLCIM Christmas party. It must be big, I tell you! I've never heard of so much preparations for a Christmas party; bubble machines, enormous party poppers, and foreign guests? Wow! And a pre-party rehearsal a day prior to the event. I am also asked to present my talent from Miss Cagayan de Oro, the winning piece, which I am determined to update to keep up with the times, you know. You know why else I think it's a big event? Because they bought our dinner from Rosso - Grilled Salmon for you and me and the Nahnang's Pasta Puttanesca! We also had a Triple Decker Sandwich with Potato Chips, which you conveniently demand for saying "Tip". You meant "chip", right? It was exquisite. However, we would have enjoyed it better had you stayed put. But thanks to the Frapp, you're all sugar-hyped.
This carried on when we got home. Even as we were in the taxi, you
JAMantic of the Day:
As Nahnang's and my eyes were indefinitely glued to be amazed by America's Best Dance Crew, you felt that you were robbed of the spotlight. You came up with your new words to get my attention. You pointed the TV and seeing the people moving to the rhythm, you said, "Mommy, dansh?". But since that couldn't take my eyes off the screen, you took your eyes to notice my undergarment and pointing my bra you said "Mommy bya?". Haha! Whatever gets my regard, huh? ;)
Your MAYmah,

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