DAY 246: November 4, 2010; THURSDAY
257(and then some)
Days of "Strawberry Jam" without "J"
Dear Jam,
It was a laid back day for the three of us after yesterday's rush from home, to STARBUCKS, to Mallberry, to that meeting, then home at nearly the middle of the night. I decided that we should treat ourselves to something pleasant, encouraging the child in us - this is true for my case and Nahnang's. As for you, I think we wouldn't have problems. So to pamper our childish hearts, I bought THE DIARY OF A WIMPY KID and the POKEMON.
The former is a story about a (wimpy)kid who complains and does everything to land in their Middle School Yearbook as the School favorite. He does everything crazy and unimaginable, which Nahnang and I think 
adds to the cuteness factor of the movie. What else is to watch about it? The moldy untouched slice of cheese left in the middle of the school yard. It is said that whomsoever attempts to make contact with it, gets the "Cheese Touch" which is determinedly avoided by everyone else. Sounds wimpy altogether, doesn't it? We do enjoy the transition to and from sketch/pencil media to the actual take. As for the POKEMON series, it's not the same one we enjoyed when we were younger where Ash had his POKEMON misadventures not only with PIKACHU, "Kochi-pee" to you but with Misty as well. Now, there's another girl in lieu of Misty. But apart from that, it's the same old POKEMON, same old villains of the Jessie-and-James tandem with their ever-loyal Pokemon Meowth. Of course there's "Kochi-pee". Add a couple of new Pokemons here and there - POKEMON!
Mamilou came to visit early in the afternoon, before I arrived home.
She brought a couple of cheese burgers, her home-made chicken macaroni salad, which was no more than sumptuous! She hung out for awhile and watched the sequel of Nanny McPhee with you and Nahnang. I think she was trying to keep stress at bay because she was told that the Vice-Mayor of El Salvador was suing her for insubordination, which is totally our of the question! What I mean is, she clearly was only following the orders of the Mayor. Had she not followed the Mayor to acquiesce to the whims of the Vice Mayor, then THAT would have been insubordination! Really! But she doesn't seem fazed and that's the thing to it because we all know and she, most of all, knows that she is innocent. So the time off from office and with you was more than she could ask for.
But I believe because of such attention, you have thought of taking
advantage of her kindness - which may be translated to a manner of "spoiling". You threw tantrums whenever you wished and even as I was home, you cried and bawled when you were scolded not to play with your food. Nahnang said you weren't like that when there were only you and her. She said you were behaved enough to go through your new book with her learning the word "Ow" for and the sound produced by the "owl", "hoo hoo hoo". You eagerly displayed this to me when I got home. I think that was how we pacified you from the ramble you were about to become. We went through the same book your Nahnang was talking about, the BEE Clapper Book. When we were done playing the teacher, you went to Giorgio and played the teacher. Then you and Nahnang enjoyed a pillow fight, only that you used your stuffed toys Giorgio and Ducky.
JAMantic of the Day:
1. "Dabayoo-dat" that's what you said after me when I answered Nahnang with ""! Hahah! You are so observant!
2. Whenever you see a picture of yourself, or of another child in still or TV, or when you see a child around you, you wave your hand and as if to mimic the voice I use when I say it, you would say "Hi Baby!" Just like a grown up!
Your MAYmah,
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