DAY 240: November 10, 2010; WEDNESDAY
251 (and then some)
Days of "Strawberry Jam" without "J"Dear Jam,

Leftover Queen is here! I have vowed to never throw food unless it's no longer edible. So I took the leftover chicken from yesterday's lunch, the pumpkin dumpling from Lolo's cooking, brought seasoning and flavor together and voila! I then made your request of "shoop" as an extender! It tastes better than it looks in this picture. Hehe! That's saying something for myself.
Early in the morning, you learned with Nahnang's help, how to spell the word "ENERGY". It started when
you spotted the letter "G" on her shirt and pronounced the letter as it is supposed to be. From there, she taught you the rest of the letters.
The three of us took in the feel of Christmas as we had a HOME ALONE Movie Marathon. You liked it for as long as we kept explaining to you what was going on. It's a childhood favorite and as Nahnang and I are now grown up, watching it brings us back to those good old days. We also like the vibe about Home Alone 1 and 2 because it was directed by one of
the talented people who brought Harry Potter to life on screen, Chris Columbus. We realized that there were some similar elements with which was employed in the Home Alone and Harry Potter sequels under Chris Columbus' direction. After a couple of minutes of watching, Mamilou turned up to show show you the two new pairs of shoes she bought for you; one that squeaked and another than lit up. You liked it so much, you asked her to wear it on you and later, on our way to get a jeep to the cafe, you insisted to walk on it. You chose the one that squeaked by the way, its blue matched the festivity that was your skirt.
n we reached the cafe, upon handling you over to Papalo's care for this time Mamala had to tend the FoodHauz at Carmen with the Derby hustle and bustle, you fell asleep instantly. It didn't take so much time for Papalo to lull you to sleep so Nahnang and I had time enough to review DRACULA: Dead and Loving It. It's an old favorite, Leslie Nielsen's parody of Bram Stroker's Dracula. What we appreciate about it though it is practically a spoof from beginning to end, it still held on to the essence of the Vampire myth. We have just gotten concerned with how Stephanie Meyers cheapened the whole mythology on Vampires with her Twilight Saga. I'm sorry, I'm not a fan of Meyers'. I am an Anne Rice fan through and through and even more so a huge fan of Leslie Nielsen's comedy. It's just unfortunate how he couldn't have anymore decent roles lately. Anyway, that was just me and Nahnang for as soon as you were awake, we put A BUG'S LIFE on YOUTUBE. Well, it's colored, cute and though-provoking to a child about your age and older. So what's not to like? What's not to keep you put though was your short attention span. Before the movie even reached its denouement, you were struggling on my lap so I had to send you back to Papalo upstairs.
At home, I learned that you know how to pick shoes up by pair in one hand. Sorry, I'm just amazed at how somebody your age can progress to that. It is a very important thing to note because when you grow up, you will practically use this skill with one hand to be able to do more than one chore at the same time. What you did exactly was to pick up a pair of shoe by the middle part together with one hand. The rest is history; you sat down, wore it and then paraded your feet for me to take a picture of.
As we were hitting the sack, we took out FATHER CAT'S BUSY DAY book in lieu of TV. You amazed us as you went from picture to picture to identify them as word to another. You identified boat as "but" and tire as "ta-yoh". When you saw the picture of the Mother Cat by her bicycle, you said "Bai-see-doh" and then "buy". Of course! You meant that she will ride her bike to buy. The basket and the grocery list must have made it even more obvious right? When we switched to the BEE KIND Book, you learned to say "others" as "ah-dows". It's even cuter when it passes through your mouth! ;)
JAMantic of the Day:
Cute how when before closing time, I went back to check on you and Papalo, I saw how you had mimicked him with the notebook, pen and calculator. You looked convincing enough computing the capital versus the profit for the day. Hehe! When he was done with the sales part of the day, he proceeded to draw faces for you in the notebook, which you all pointed to be a "Moomoo" or monsters.
Your Mommy,
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