DAY 251: October 30, 2010; SATURDAY
262(and then some)
Days of "Strawberry Jam" without "J"
Dear Jam,
You know, that pink stuffed pig (with a quirky yellow cape) sings in an eerie trill to the Happy Birthday song! This was taken in Kauswagan where I left you in the care of Mamilou while I was watching over the cafe. This was so because we couldn't leave you in Mamala and Papalo's care because they are quite busy with the Derby bustle. I can't leave you at home with Nahnang because it's Saturday and it was time for Nahnang to go back to Kauswagan. So meeting things halfway, I told Nahnang to bring you with her to Kauswagan. A little later in the afternoon, Nahnang joined me in a studio practice with your Ninong Gerard and Tito Geronimo for the BATTLE Of The BANDS this coming November. We're a little bit
rusty, I know but it was the first practice so, we all expect to do better the next time. The voice blending was crazy and unpolished and so was the drummer, being as it was his first time too. So after the rehearsal, Nahnang and I went to DV Soria to buy new DVD titles and a serving of BAGONG LIPUNAN's best Pancit Lomi! On the way, we spoke about you and she recalled your antics as you were in Kauswagan.
You pulled a drama on Mamilou and her prayer book! This is so cute and funny as Nahnang recalls. Mamilou's voice was toned down, she wasn't even scolding you when she said that her prayer book wasn't something to be played with "It's for praying. For AMEN." she said. But even as she sounded comely, you took it to fuel your tears. Your face went into a crumple, your eyes red and glassy, your mouth twitching uncontrollably. Mamilou was shaking her head to Nahnang as if a comment to how you are practically using this so-called drama to get what you want.
I agree with Mamilou. Just this morning, though you didn't use your "drama" on me, the tactic was basically another way to get me to agree. You were awake before I could leave, too up and about with the energy to get out of the house. You got the small red umbrella, which you can manage more than the bigger black one; you opened it inside the house and said "Mommy, hat?". The way you said it, I realized you meant an analogy. If umbrella was to Mommy, hat was to you! SMART!
Yes you are smart! You even suggested what we should
name your next sibling, should you soon have one. You said "Aymon" but then again that's almost Armand, your Lolo's and basically Tito Armon, Daddy's first degree cousin. It's a good idea but we'll figure something that would bring in Daddy's and my name together. This you suggested when I was talking to Mamilou at Kauswagan where you had a cryfest with Nahnang. You were fighting over me both, calling me "Mommy" at the same time. I guess she was trying to get you jealous or pissed off, which turned out as she expected. You were crying river! I just had to take a picture of you both! There's Mamilou laughing in the background.
On the way home, you forgot that you threw tantrums or pulled your theatrics on Mamilou over a prayer book. You were excited when we drove past Jollibee and hadn't I paid closer attention, I wouldn't have understood what your muttering of "Joybee" meant. At home, without Nahnang, you and reviewed PRINCE OF PERSIA. This is true for my case since I've seen it with Daddy in the theater. Daddy agreed that should it come out in DVD, we will add it to our collection of favorites. We both like it, you see. As for you, it was the drowse dictating what seemed fear over the crashing, bashing sound effects. You huddled closer to me with eyes determined to watch out for danger from the TV screen. You fell asleep eventually even as the movie was still playing.
JAMantic of the Day:
We have a recording, a proof that we have gone through learning how to pronounce your name. And since ANGELOUISE is one tough cookie to crack for such a soft yet-learning little tongue, I stuck to asking you to repeat after "Angel" which you pronounced as "ayn-joo". "wawee" for "Maris", "dah-kee" for "Baqui" and "Doo-bai" for "Bongay". Therefore, you are Miss Aynjo Wawee Ducky Dubai! xD
Your MAYmah,
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