DAY 233: November 17, 2010; WEDNESDAY
244 (and then some)
Days of "Strawberry Jam" without "J"
Dear Jam,
You're getting good at handling the cellphone like you were taking a picture of yourself. Very good! And a good girl you are indeed. From that lesson you learned yesterday, being spanked for spitting food out, you now have a way to tell me what you don't want in your mouth. Although I have to acquiesce to the "No nos", it is far better than having to constantly tell you off for wasting precious food. So at brunch, you point to me what you want from the plate like "Edd. No no yice, edd! Shoop! Shoop! No yice. Shoop." and with your pointing, I can easily understand, which should go into your mouth or mine.
The weather is kind to us today, so there was no need to throw
tantrums in the heat. You found it to be favorable that after bath, you waited for me to watch SPIRIT OF THE FOREST. While waiting, you had Bucky and Meemeen dance to the Cubeez theme. SPIRIT OF THE FOREST is a little 3D animation attempt. The message is nice but the animation is quite raw compared to other 3D toons to date. It's rather thought-provoking, bringing in the awareness of forest degradation by illegal tree cutting. The lead characters are gophers who are later on joined by a rat, a pack of wild cats, two flies and the whole forest to save them from total annihilation. There were no spirits involved, actually. But the forest creatures played a trick on that hag of a woman who wanted to denude the forest to profit from a road project. There was no ghost but you got scared when they pulled that trick on the villain. Sorry!
Daddy thankfully managed to text with his international number to tell us that they are leaving for the next port. Where that is, he hasn't quite elaborated because his message was filled of love and missing for us than information and that is good enough. That is, coming from Daddy who isn't much of a texter and a writer, himself. Haha! So yeah, tough that we won't have communication for a while because he needs to know a couple of important stuff and that is one, the issue on moving in to another apartment. I am blessed with Mamala's guidance because she told me she has been helping, checking out that pad near the house in Carmen. We are opting for a place near them. That and two, the furnishing, appliance and everything else necessary.
We are sleeping over at Kauswagan right now because of the
Balikbayan box that is waiting for us. You had the
time of your life, in short of better words - you were everywhere. As usual! What else is new? Your energy is so high Mamilou is knocking the wood against signs that you might (a big MIGHT) have Attention Deficiency and Hyperactivity Disorder. More commonly known as ADHD. I knock on wood against that, too. It's not easy to have but then here you are, it wasn't until 0230 Hrs that you finally closed your eyes. As in closed your eyes and shielded your face from the light. As I was saying, you were everywhere. You were looking into parcels. You wanted to get inside the balikbayan box, you checked our parcels, counted lotion and bubble bath bottles, lined them up as you shooed and shushed Spunky and Choco, then modeled the clothes from Antilo. You also took a picture of Mamilou and Nahnang. You threw a little tantrum here and there but then took time to cuddle with Spunky Tong. When that was over, you threw another tantrum.
You were scolded by Mamilou because of that. Too much crying really,
sometimes the truthfulness of it call becomes questionable. So she scolded you not to be so demanding to me, as you easily found a way to win me over. You spanked me, or threw me a disagreeing syllable and all these worked on me, which Mamilou didn't like. You took it against her and made it a point to show her you didn't want her to hold you. But even that didn't last. You were easily overwhelmed by Mamilou's effort to read you Dr. Seuss' GREEN EGGS AND HAM. Again.
Another reason why we are in Kauswagan is that I needed to edit the
pictures we took at the Henna Party. I had to do it quickly because I had such little time from whence you closed you eyes. So much to do and I think my eyes are taking the toll. I just finished typing the lot of previous entries, backtracks for "365 Days of Strawberry Jam" and then this. I hope the pictures come out to be good. I am also without the help of Ninang Jeng because she isn't feeling well right now. She said that she spotted some errors here but didn't have the energy to proof read further. I hope she gets better soon.
JAMantic of the Day:
I don't know when you started saying it but it was my first time to hear you say "Nana" pointing at the banana. We had a late night snack at Kauswagan but you were quite sure what you wanted. Then there is this another alien word "Jat-booh?" What? I don't know what that is.
One thing that your Daddy should be proud of is that you have retained the lesson he taught you about how to handle "bites". You have two large red spots on each leg, thanks to those nasty red ants. Daddy told you not to scratch is but instead to rub it gently and then pat it lightly until the itchiness is bearable thus preventing scars and ugly marks. He taught me this too but I think I am more stubborn than you are now that you followed his instructions.
Your Mommy,
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