DAY 252: October 29, 2010; FRIDAY
263(and then some)
Days of "Strawberry Jam" without "J"
Dear Jam,
That little red strip should remind you of your mischief with the electric fan. That's the very finger that got caught in the blades! Anyway, you haven't complained about it and instead relished at it like a gleaming battle scar!
I think you have found a way of entrapment. When yesterday, you could barely bat an eye to stop me from leaving, this time,
you made sure to be awake
before I decided to leave. Hence, the reason why Mamala's request of leaving you in her care was granted. The schedule got a little messed up because Ninong Poloy went out on a date. Ninong Van had to get ready for his gig tonight and Ate Mae Anne took a little longer to make her school project. I wasn't fussed or complaining but I was just a little worried that we couldn't go home together. Mamilou was so eager to meet you as she paid a visit at the pad from her Seminar in Pearlmont. You came in a little later than I was though I spent a bit more time in Night Market to buy myself some new shirts and yourself some new custie panties for cheap. You got home safe with Ninong Poloy and that's all that really mattered. And what matters more is that your little pink anime dress still fits. We've tried it on you, just for laughs.
Now let's talk about your Ninong Van's gig! So you
see, you are in a
family of performing artists. Yuur Nahnang and I are performing EVANESCENCE for the Battle of the Bands and Ninong Van has gotten back to the Acoustic scene. His gigs happen at a place five minutes away from our spot so I decided that maybe we could cover his debut performance. You played the ever supportive niece; you insisted to stand up on your feet than sit down as they were singing,
clapping your hands to the acoustic beat. The watermelon shake wouldn't get you to behave! You even took pictures of him as he was on the stage with my assistance to steady your hands for a near perfect frame though. And just like any fan, you cried when the star turned his back on you. You gave me that kind of feeling you know? Ninong Van could only stay a couple of minutes in our table because he had to practice with his band but that didn't seem to sit well with you. As soon as he left us, your sweet voice pierced the din of drunken customers. "Nonom!" you said but he didn't hear you and didn't give you the due attention that you wanted from him. So with tearful eyes and a grimace of a crumpled face, you turned to me and Nahnang. I had to laugh at this in my head. Somehow, I knew that it was quickly to be assuaged with your running around, climbing up and down the stairs, which you immensely enjoyed doing.
I would have loved for Mamala and the rest of the family to be there. They said they would join but I think they were too tired from the Derby bustle at Carmen. But yeah. I would have loved for Mamala to distract me from the bald men surrounding me. It was an inescapable haunting from Daddy everywhere I looked. I could see him and feel his presence even more so when your Ninong's band played our theme song "Tattooed on My Mind".
JAMantic of the Day:
When Mamilou was at the pad, we took sometime to dress you up like a doll and then a little TV. When yous aw the Jollibee YUM Burger commercial, you said "YUM!". I'd like to think of it as you being able to know how to read the word "YUM" as you did with the word "WOW" but then again, maybe you could have just heard the people in the ad talking.
Your MAYmah,
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