Days of "Strawberry Jam" without "J"
Dear Jam,
It has been quite stressful today. And I mean stressful in a bad way because when it comes to you, I rarely fuss about anything. But my temperature just went and I guess so did my blood pressure. Here I was thinking that yesterday was the worse for the both of us.
It started bad early on. I had suspected that I was in for a row when you woke up earlier than you were later asleep last night. You were asleep at 0200Hrs but suddenly up at 0700HRs. I knew it wasn't going to be good. You were constantly at my wake, I couldn't seem to lift a finger to clean the dust, which apparently has become the culprit that worsened both your cough and mine. You were just screaming again like last night and as much as I pacified you with comforting words, you wouldn't sway -
worse when I was screaming over your screaming to get my point to you, too. Somehow when you were becalmed on my shoulder, Mamala turns up with a hearty beef broth, warm chicken liver saute and a lovely head of "simon". I was inwardly grateful to Mamala for being around, assisting your first attempt to be kempt as to clean up a whole bowl of soup. Thanks to her I also got to do a couple of chores, like sweeping the floor, taking the garbage out, and washing that soup-soaked sheet that got in the way of your "exploit". You were agreeable with her this time when usually in Papalo's presence, you would shrug her efforts off. I think she enjoyed the meager time with you as well, you had her pose as your model and took pictures of her albeit snot was running away from your nose with your imagination. She stayed for awhile, making sure everything was according to our comforts and left for the FoodHauz/Cafe to tell the others about you and why we are still taking the time off today.
Mamilou and Nahnang said hadn't we been barking with the cough ,we would have had ice cream, too. That's okay. What mattered was that we were there for Mamilou and though we may not have any present of the material sort, we gave her one heck of a gift. Laughter! We gave her dance number after interpretative dance after ballet after cha-cha-cha. Or what they seemed like. She was throwing her head back and struggling to keep her bladder tight as she roared with laughter. Soon you had her join you in a fancy jig or what it looked like. A little later, after doing menial chores, Nahnang joined us where the two of you did some more interpretative dance.
After that, it dawned on me that we hadn't put our hands together yet to pray. So that's just what we did. After the "Angel of God", I added a little something for myself in the end, asking God to make you a little more kinder to me and that He could give me a little more strength and patience.
I am thankful however these incertitude of life, what with the ups and downs, I am cheered with messages from Tita Teeteen and Daddy. Daddy said that they are on their way to Asia. I was a bit surprised for I had, all this time, thought they had already embarked for their next destination. As for your sweet Tita Teeteen, bless her heart, she said hi and told us how she had been missing us and quite expressively stated her love for you and me. *sigh* Thank God for loved ones!
JAMantic of the Day:
Unfortunately for Paddylou though, he couldn't join, he was braking with the worse of asthma, COPD and flu. He didn't have the appetite for the food tonight, though they were all his favorite. He didn't even have the strength to get up and see you and your dancing. This is what you call, in your perfect pronunciation, "fall" after Mamilou told you that "Lolo's immune system went for a fall." Heheh! Then you nodded your head to agree with her. Earlier today you said "eesin" for medicine when it was time for administration.
Your Mommy,

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