DAY 254: October 27, 2010; WEDNESDAY
265 (and then some)
Days of "Strawberry Jam" without "J"
Dear Jam,
Here is a little e-present from Ninang Jeng. This was a bit of a surprise for me when it was posted on my wall. I was screaming in my head about the cuteness factor of this kitten. Your Ninang Jeng said that she saw it in the web and thought of how you'll love it. She was right, when you got to Lapasan from
Carmen for our watch switch, it was the first thing I showed you. You didn't shriek immediately when you saw it; you looked at at long enough to absorb it as you smiled with your lips and eyes. Then you said "Meemeen" and rubbed your head on my cheek like a kitten yourself, then proceeded to scream as you pointed at the picture. It's a good thing, how you stopped to look at it first. It only means that you take enough time to study something, to appreciate it before going ahead with an unintelligible screaming. Not that I think your screaming is not intelligent, I just mean that your recognition is progressing that you take time to take it in first before the appropriate reaction. You came with that intelligent swag and once in a while display it with some little things like today, you got the duster off its place and started dusting the counters. Like a real grown up, huh?
You were with Nahnang today and both of you had quite a hectic one. She had to bring you to Carmen, go to Kauswagan to get her stuff, went to Carmen to get you then proceeded to the cafe for me. After my shift, the three of us went to SAVEMORE Supermarket with Ninong Van. You know albeit the rain, you were so excited to be out and about and even from a distance, seeing the Save More sign, you were already clapping your hands together saying "Yey!". I said to your Ninong and Ninang how you've grown to easily recognize store signs and associated them to going out - or the simple Visayan "laag". According to Nahnang, when you were on your way to Carmen, you surprised her when you said "WOW!" seeing banners of "WOW Cagayan" along the way with the very word quite pronounced with colors and effect. She was wondering if you could actually identify the letters "W" and "O" and with them spelled as such, could you read them as they should be. Okay,
"WOW" is an easy word but...we haven't taught it yet. So I say - "WOW!" and even more wow to the present from Mamala of Zwitsal Cologne. It's a classic favorite and I had thught they had phased out the Zwitsal line of Baby products. I am a big fan and to see it passed on to your generation from your Ninang's and mine, is a precious feeling.
As usual and what more is expected when you,
Nahnang and I are together but fun? We had a delicious dinner, a sumptuous dessert of fresh fruits. It was your first time to taste another variety of "simon" (Ivatan, watermelon)it's the one with the yellow color, you loved it so much that it was gone before Nahnang could have more bites than you. You were so full, as evidenced by the cute bloated tummy of yours.
You realized this, pointing your stomach and then said "Baby" to mean that the "baby (stomach to you) is full". I don't know how much sugar there is in that melon variety because after eating it you've just been tumbling, dancing and doing whatnots. Your Nahnang and I was just distracted, contacting a couple of friends because your Ninong Gerard and Tito Janjan invited me to start a band for a battle this November. We are doing a tribute to EVANESCENCE, a favorite and I invited your Ninang to help bring life to the vocals as my second voice. So yes, she and I were busy completing the band, asking help from friends when out from the bed, you came into a full tumbling and quite safely on the mattress on the floor. I was shocked but easily amused. We put music on, practicing the music we were to perform when you joined in the fun, dancing to the tune. You had taken your shirt off and wore it like a grass skirt over your pajamas and danced, danced, danced. Then I picked you up off your feet and played airplane with you. But that wasn't enough, you had to grab the camera and take pictures of me and Nahnang. You took a
lot but I have two favorites from the lot.
JAMantic of the Day:
1. You're so cute with this "Twinkle Twinkle"! Yesterday it was the "up-abah" (up above), today it's the "Haw-ay. Haw-ay" or "How I wonder" part to prompt me and Nahnang to sing it.
2. The conference call with D'Crammerz was funnier than cuter. You were eager to speak with them, grabbing the phone off mine or Nahnang's hands, so we taught you what to say. Accoringly, you said "ba-booy" for "bayot", a term of endearment with D'Crammerz, where everyone is "bayut" or "gay" and you said "yoot" for "yoot", which is a shorter version of "bayut". HAHAH
Your MAYmah,
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