DAY 248: November 2, 2010; TUESDAY
259(and then some)
Days of "Strawberry Jam" without "J"
Dear Jam,
This isn't your first taste of papaya but this should be the first time you had a nearly ripe papaya with vinegar. It's a kind of primeval salad I've enjoyed since I was young, the papaya shouldn't be so ripe as to be a bit hard and shouldn't be so hard as it should be edible. We then dip a big slice of it into a saucer of coconut vinegar with a dash of salt. YUM! And it's healthy to boot! I made sure that today's food is healthy so I went early to the market to buy the fresh papaya, fresh little "fishies" and fresh seaweed that looked like little grapes more popularly known in the locality as "lato". YUM AGAIN! Your hand dove into the bowl of sauteed
fish and then into the bowl of the fresh seaweed salad. You loved how the little grape-like bulbs burst in your mouth. So did Nahnang and I. What was so amazing about my little trip to the market is that the cabbage vendor was a bit too enigmatic, he would fall right under the "spectacular" of Hollywood especially more so that I have seen EAT, PRAY, LOVE last night. It's so weird how after I bought a head of a cabbage from him and seeing me crane my head to the stalls far away, he asked me in a Visayan easily translatable to English as "How far will you go to find what you are looking for?" I was blown away with utter disbelief, I merely mumbled the Visayan word for "Fish" to answer him. And I had been mulling over my life yesterday and that man unconsciously made me feel like I wasn't contented of where I am, what I have achieved and what I have been blessed with. Talking about some waker-upper huh?
So I felt lighter today without having to think of how to
synchronize our watches with cafe duty, your
time with Nahnang, and Nahnang's extra time. It wasn't a stressful day, in short. It is with this lightness that we had a misadventure with Nahnang and our band with Ninong Gerard and Tito Geronimo. We went to a music studio by main street Capistrano, which was filled
with posters and notes with your name on! You were meant for music as your name is "JAM" and that is what we exactly did in the studio. We jammed! We jammed and head-banged to EVANESCENCE. I was worried, observing you and wondered how you'd feel with all the pounding of the bass and drums and the blaring of the synthesized lead and rythm guitars. But you didn't quail. Instead you looked calmly observant yourself, looking at every instrument and then pushing me to "sheeng" to the microphone. You asked me to "sheeng" and as if the noisome music was your lullaby, you fell asleep on my shoulder as I carried you, standing with the microphone on the stand. When we had expected you to wake to the noise, you didn't but did when there was silence. You woke up to sense the silence after the session was done and demanded me again to "sheeng".

When that was done and while it was still early, we went to SM to meet with Mamilou and do a little grocery. I bet Mamilou missed you or she simply wanted to treat us to SM. After grocery, we went to KFC to grab a bite, you were exceptionally hungry! How we know this, I will write under your JAMANTIC OF THE DAY.
JAMantic of the Day:
Yes, you were hungry. Either that or thirsty that when we turned where we left you in the cart, in the middle of grocery bags we found that you had managed to dig in the bag. Thru the plastic wrap that was covering the pack of watermelon your hand went, picking a rather large piece of the fruit and into your mouth. If you weren't hungry or thirsty than I can only say that watermelon aka "simon" must be your ultimate favorite!
Your MAYmah,

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