DAY 253: October 28, 2010; THURSDAY
264(and then some)
Days of "Strawberry Jam" without "J"
Dear Jam,
What a way you had to leave me missing you for work, you woke up just as I was about to open the door. It was sort of amusingly shocking, the way with which you were pulling your weight against drowse, fighting with yourself to focus on me that upon attempting to rise, you dropped on your knees like a dead weight, struggling to keep your eyes open. Thankfully, you didn't cry.
We went to visit Ninong Gerard and his family in their new far, far, far, far, very far, very, very far but humble shack. I'm not exaggerating. It's really that
remote! WE had to take a couple more rides
than necessary; from our place to the terminal to their place, to VjANDEP Concessionary in Bulua to buy them desserts, and then a then just about another 4 kls of taxi ride from the highway to the gate of their house. I ended up paying twice than what appeared on the meter because the driver was mumbling about his troubles and the hassle we put him through. So, okay fine! We did just that after my shift. It was supposed to be a meeting or an initial rehearsal for our band presentation. However, your Tito Geronimo couldn't make it so it looked like a visit, a mini-house warming and playtime for you and your Godbrother.

I thought we were so over this gender confusion issue about you. The taxi driver called you "dong", Visayan for "Boy", Even Kuya, your Godbrother from Ninong Gerard wouldn't let you play with his toys thinking you were up to compete with him. It must be that new haircut and the shirt that you wore. As soon as we changed your shirt to the extra pink one we brought, Kuya warmed up to you eventually. He let you play
with his stuffed animals, took you for a ride on his plastic car, let you have a go at it by yourself, took a video of you as you took a picture of him. Why, he even snuck you a kiss or two sometime when he thought no one was watching, hugged you quickly but firmly and though you puzzled at his gestures, you neither pothered about it or felt repelled. What was cute and funny though was when we switched you into your pink shirt and as if it was your way of silently announcing to him "Hey! I am a girl!", you stood just right infront of his face as you loomed at him with such an exacting expression. Kuya couldn't budge as you stood there, he was at awe to realize are actually a girl! xD
His mom admitted that Kuya isn't much of a talker and especially with you around, who was mumbling every syllable that your tongue could concoct. She took your example of "fish" when you said it, seeing the fish in their aquarium Tita said "See Kuya? Jamjam can speak." I told her not to worry, so she wouldn't feel pressured. I laid the assurance that every child has their own progress and that maybe Kuya is a late bloomer in speech, just like any other male child I have known. She was okay, eitherway and that's what I like about her. It was nice to see her healthy after three months of giving birth to their second baby. Your Ninong even joked that perhaps they should add one more for a girl!
JAMantic of the Day:
When I got home, Nahnang reported that you finally gave in to the tempting tow of the electric fan! She was in the kitchen when she heard the fan blades whir into a temporary thud. When she got out, she saw you pull out a finger from the fan. Funny though that you didn't cry. You eventually did when she asked you "yayay?" I took a picture of the evidence, just to remind you.
Your MAYmah,

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