DAY 237: November 13, 2010; SATURDAY
248 (and then some)
Days of "Strawberry Jam" without "J"
Dear Jam,
I wish you were like this tonight but *ugh* no! You didn't fall asleep until 3AM thanks to "Tal-Buks".
In the morning, your temper was quite agreeable except for the once in a while "No no" disagreement to things you don't like, especially since Mamilou was around you threw a tantrum whenever you felt like it. You spat food out from your 
mouth and complained it was "Init! Init!" that in doing so, you didn't have anything much in your stomach. I think you liked a bit of that frozen watermelon. It's all good and icy because I stored it in the freezer. Mamilou brought a number of flavored bread but you only warmed up to the one thing that she brought, DESPICABLE ME in DVD. I didn't catch much of the movie because I was busy fixing lunch. All I know is that I've been waiting so long to watch it. Basically, it's a story of a villain who meets the challenge of being a foster parent to three orphans. It's the comedy of Steve Carrell, who gives life to the character's voice, the cute little kids, and the adorable minions who spoke in an alien language that invites me to watch it. We didn't need to report to the cafe because Lolo and Nohnong closed it due to power shortage. So you had more time to play, throw tantrums, play, and throw tantrums with us in the pad. You even took my place to go through Mamilou's head and look for unwanted white hair. You eventually got exhausted in the heat and fell asleep on top of me without a fuss. Thus the picture.
In the afternoon, when you woke up, we finally took on Mamilou's
invite to got to STARBUCKS, where you got hopped up
on three fourths of Nahnang's Grande
Green Tea Frapp. Sugar + Caffeine, you know what happens. And for one who is energetic without the stimulant, you were already "Meow meowing" inside STARBUCKS whenever I uprooted you from misbehavior, you
kept poking a girl bigger than you to play with her but she didn't want to, so I guess that's misbehavior. You literally "meowed" in my arms when I placed you in a seat. You only behaved when I pointed the security guard and told you that if you misbehaved, we would both be scolded.
You were just full of vim, energy, gusto, motivation, what have you that when we were in Kauswagan, I had
employed every kind of "learn" and "play" on you. I
was supposed to re-edit the N.Y.M.PHS shots, the very reason why we are in Kauswagan but since it took you time to sleep and most of my energy, I fell asleep with you. So what did we do? There was the our keyboard. It had been placed on its stand so Nahnang's scoliotic back wouldn't have to suffer bending over wherever she likes to put the keryboard. You got tired of that eventually and since Nahnang had to use it, we recalled the toy keyboard from Ninang Nathalie. You played a duet with Nahnang on it. Mamilou handed you a new stuff cat, which I initially thought one's tongue was lolling out. Upon close inspection, I realized, it was carrying a limpy heart. You liked it, for a moment but then your energy begged for you to do something else.
As that wasn't enough, we also recalled the alphabet flash cards, which Mamilou bought for you before you turned one year old. She said, before turning a year, you would go through the cards and mumble with your interpretation. Now that you're almost two, you are familiar with a couple of words, saying them as such; "peyw" for pear, "jips" for gifts, "tilt" for quilt, "(pause)nophone" for xylophone, and "yowsh" for rose.
Was that it? No. We had to employ Dr.Seuss' help with his GREEN EGGS
and HAM. Mamilou said that when I was younger and
even younger than you are now, I had a whole collection of Dr.Seuss' books. I remember one about a BIG BLUE BALLOON. Dr.Seuss is rather color-coded, isn't he? Would you like green eggs and ham? The character didn't, had I been him, I wouldn't too. And with Sam-I-Am being annoying and all, I wouldn't be, too. So you say "Sham-I-Am" after me reading. Eventually Sam-I-Am got to convince the guy to eat green eggs and ham, in the rain on a train, in a box with a fox, or in a house with a mouse, here, there and everywhere. So it says. Here you are all hyped and hopped up with the frapp. *sigh*
JAMantic of the Day:
Going through the flash cards, when we came to the elephant, lion and tiger, you preferred to mimic their sounds than say their name. "Ngoo", "raawrr" and "raawrr" respectively. But upon much prodding and begging, you said "(pause)nefant", "ah-yown" and "ay-gow" respectively.
Your Mommy,
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