October 23, 2009
Dear Baby Kitten,
I'm trying to figure out what happened on the 21st but I am sure we just stayed home. I guess this was the day I was engrossed with author Joshua Harris' "When Boy Meets Girl" which your Uncle Raffy loaned to me. We stayed at home and attempted to watch District 9 but no...on the 22nd, that's yesterday; we had a great time! We went to Tita Maimai's rehearsal dinner. She's your Ninang Chianne's older sister by the way. It was your first time to meet Ninang Chianne but already, you were reaching out your arms so she can pick you up. You enjoyed dinner as well although you misinterpreted that the crispy lechon skin I placed in your hand was meant to be eaten and not to be played with. Hehe! Halfway finishing dinner, Ninang Mae, Ninong Regner with your godsister Gabby, Ninang Hazel and her boyfriend Tito Kiking arrived! That's when the party really started! It got noisy! It was as if Ninang Chianne was the one getting married.
But today is the day -
Wait! Why am I skipping? Have I forgotten? That at 0000Hrs (or 12 MN) Daddy called? Daddy called! And thou you were fast asleep, you managed to hear my almost muted but enthused conversation with Daddy. Sheer excitement, I guess. I just missed him so much and he started to call by saying "Hi Baby!" It's so sweet! You'll understand why that is so when you're old enough. He was bragging about how he has his own PSP now! Hmmph! xD
About today...I wasn't allowed to bring you to the wedding because the reservations could only accomodate 100 guests, which actually ended up with less than a hundred turning up. I still could have brought you! It was toxic anyway; I had to be the bridal make-up artists, sing the bridal march of "Grow Old with You", master over the ceremony and sing in between. I'm not complaining but I'm just showing you how workaholic I could get! I just took so long up there in Pryce Plaza and we can to crash a party - Gabby's 1st! I'm just glad that Ninong Van drove us to the venue, that took time as well!
Busy day Kitten! ;)
Love, Mamimeow
|Hi Baby! Just arrived in Amsterdam. I love you!|
10.23.2010; 1432Hrs
269 (and then some)
Days of "Strawberry Jam" without "J"Dear Jam,
Did I say yesterday was a hectic day? I stand corrected! TODAY is YOUR hectic day! Haha! You were just all over the place. I am speaking about your Godsister Gabby's 2nd Birthday, which you, Nahnang and I attended by the way.
Here you are putting "isteek" on because you wouldn't stop bothering Nahnang and I about it as we were putting makeup on. So I gave you that Buttermilk Lip balm I had in my bag, which you seem to take forever applying on your lip and eventually IN your mouth. You're growing up too fast! Just this morning you were like a little monster gobbing down the bits and pieces of soursop from Mamala. Like a baby, you enjoyed 
watching TOY Story 3 with us, where we were quite delighted to notice that your big stuffed toys PIG and GIORGIO appear in. Pig looks like good old Hamm who has been in the two prequels and Giorgio looks like Lotso, the movie's antagonist - who smells of STRAWBERRIES!!! You liked the movie until, like Andy, you had to grow up suddenly, wearing a party dress with your knap sack, and your new "eyesh" - I mean, sunglasses.
Before the party, we dropped by Kauswagan to get a couple of stuff 
for the event I will be
hosting tomorrow. That for you meant a visit to Mamilou and Lolo who were pleasantly shocked to see you wearing your new "eyesh". You had time enough to cuddle and spread your creative wings in Kauswagan. I didn't know what you were so occupied with, asking for a piece of paper and pen from me. I turned to where you were heading and found you seemingly composing for a keyboard piece.
So on to the "partay"!!! We rode the front passenger's seat, where
you felt regal and exclusive. It's not your first
time but it surely is my first time
to take a picture of you in the situation. This must be your fourth time to ride on this side of the public vehicle. As I was saying, you were everywhere! Nahnang and I agreed that it looked like it was YOUR party...one of Gabby's uncles gave you a balloon,which you were quite unabashed to accept. We thought that and dancing around to every beat you heard was enough to use up your energy. But no! You had to terrorize this kid for play. Actually, that's how the child felt, crying when you chased her when in fact you were merely holding her with your firm embrace. You kept demanding for your red balloon, saying "Ball, Mama ball", which hopped from one kid's hand to another until it reached the birthday girl. You also demanded for "skeem" or that dirty ice cream your Nahnang and I practically grew up eating off the streets. You tried to pry Gabby's hotdog stick from her hand, threw off the birthday hat from your head and then learned to toot a tooter - all this spent your energy finally! On our way home, you fell asleep in the jeep.
There is only you and I now at home. Nahnang is back with Mamilou in
Kauswagan so we have all
the pad to ourselves and all my time and attention to you. When we got home, you wouldn't go back to sleep so I had to spend the quality time with you. We reviewed Cats and Dogs over a feast of loot bag candies and had our own laser light show!
JAMantic of the Day:
It is confirmed. You use sweet trill and prolonged term of "Moh-meee" to convey a more pleasant, more convincing, more heart-wrenching "please" because you use it on Nahnang and Mamilou, too. So, there! Haha!
Your MAYmah,
270 (and then some)
Days of "Strawberry Jam" without "J"Dear Jam,
Look! You are so good at posing and only a person who is familiar with the teachings of Tyra Bank's way of modeling can tell so. This is the technique so as not to lose the neck, it's pulling the neck up and tauting the neck muscles a little bit to portray a bit of movement. This was taken on our trisikad ride where I asked you to "pose" and here's how you did it. The America's Next Top Model marathon while I was pregnant with you may have just paid off, my only concern is that's it's a bit too early. Oh well, Jeniffer Lopez's babies with husband Mark Anthony just debuted modeling for a cover of a magazine today at the early age of three years old. Why can't you, right? Your mom's a celebrity anyway. Hahah!
Today is a bit busy. I had to drop you off at Carmen before proceeding to the cafe, as usual. Now, owing to things being hectic, we forgot to bring your Meemeen. You didn't complain when I asked you if we could substitute it with your jacket. You grabbed it to your embrace after saying "Tacket" like it was any of your stuffed animals. I think coping is quite easy for you. It's like Daddy never left, or we didn't forget your cat. As for me, coping is a little harder than I could manage inwardly that I just have all these sudden cravings - to shop, to stroll, to just go away, or at least just to have a Venti Strawberry Frapp from Starbucks! Oh yes! Just a couple of days more and it will be open! I can't wait to take you there!
Coffee though has something to do with your early
antic at the cafe before we left for Nohnong's watch. You saw what I had hoped to hide in a row of used bottles and mugs, the empty can of my canned coffee. I didn't know this until I heard a sipping sound and then your voice saying "kapee". You wouldn't let go of it so I gave you my spare peanut butter sandwich and told you it goes perfectly well toegther. You tried to convince Nahnang that such was so and offered her a bite from the sandwich.

Where we did successfully take you though was NIGHT CAFE, with Mamilou and Nahnang. It's been a while since our visit there last May and the feeling of being squeezed in a crowd of busy bodies, eager to look for a bargain or two, took the feeling of depression for a while. It had a wonderful effect on you too, being locked up in the house for too long. As soon as you saw the rows of shoe
displays, you clapped your hands, said "Wow! Shoes!" and looked up at every light you saw, naming them, "Yayt!" You had a great time there, you insisted to walk along side Mamilouand wanted nothing more than one hand to guide you. You had your first ever encounter with fluffy bunnies, got two new pairs of Korean sandals, had dinner at Jollibee for your first taste of Jolli Hotdog. And wherever else, you wer
e posing, dancing, charming everyone. When running was the only other thing you were about to do, we decided to buy you a rubber squid, which upon shaking makes up all the noisome red lights. This was the distraction to pull you into the taxi and then home! Haha! It was an adventure, I tell you!
We went home with all your new stuff and new
DVD titles of "Cats and Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore", "Step Up 3D" and "Toy Story 3". We watched Cats and Dogs, what could be more obvious a title of choice, as soon we got home. Nahnang was all for the dogs while you were for the cats. It's a good thing that the two species were in alliance in the movie. What really made us hyper excited and overjoyed was the guest appearance of Meemeen, the very face of your own stuffed striped orange Calico cat!
Daddy just left for Singapore at 1850Hrs, from there, they will move on to Amsterdam. This is it Kitten! Nine months and then some, just you and me...So what did Nahnang and I talk about to keep me sane and cheered? Nothing much. End of the world, Holocaust, 2012, Hunger Games! As if I don't have enough on my plate, right? Hahah!
JAMantic of the Day:
It would be the "kapee" incident and I need not reiterate that, do I? ;)
Your MAYmah,
|Good moynin powh.
Dito na me sa office ngayon.|
10.20.2010; 1103Hrs
1 Day to"Strawberry Jam" without "J"
Dear Jam,
You look more than happy with your new sunglasses! ;) This one looks good on you. It's the same as Daddy's aviators and seeing as the two of you have the same facial shape, the cut goes perfectly well on you, too. As I promised, I bought you your own pair because just this morning, on our way to Carmen, you complained with how the sun was hurting your eyes. You kept saying "Mama eyes" and I caught how the glare made you flinch. So I offered my sunglasses for you to wear until we were safe from the sunlight in the shade of Carmen. This does scare me somehow you know. All those movies seem to be prophetic about how the sun will leave a barren land on the Earth and become even more menacing than it already is now. Daddy and I
saw "The Book of Eli" where everyone had to wear sunglasses to protect their eyes from sun and sand. Is this the inevitable?
On the right side of the bed, Willow Smith, Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith's daughter, has released her new single "I Whip my Hair". She's utterly cute and lovable at nine years old, behaving like a little woman. You know, I have always been a fan of the Smiths and until we saw Karate Kid starred by their son Jaden, did I know, so was Daddy. As we were watching the movie, we were talking about how we wanted to have a boy after you. It would be nice to be a bunch like the Smiths; a girl and a boy with a Mommy and Daddy, that would be enough happy unit. What do you think? I think you quite agree to the song though, doing your own kind of hair whipping when you listen to the music. Your dance move is prompted by the word "hair" and then you whip it quite gracefully.
So back to our world; you, Nahnang and I went to Save More
Supermarket to buy dinner. It was Nahnang's first time to be there while it was your second. You've gotten used to it and somehow, you didn't worry about screaming and throwing a sample of your antics. You were advised against the spicy Korean food when we passed by the aisle of imported products. Nahnang said "No, halang" and made a gesture to express the feeling you get when eating something hot and
spicy. From there, you kept repeating in its full and perfect pronunciation the word "halang" and the action for which it was felt. In short, you copied after Nahnang. You must have been hungry already because as we passed by the row of canned goods, you kept saying "Shoop! Shoop!" for "soup". This went on until we got home where I cooked "shoop" especially for you.

On our way back by the way, you enjoyed a standing position in the motorcab. You didn't complain, instead insisted to stay as such. So I can only guess where this little "yayay" on your knee came from.
Before we completely turned in for sleep, we took out the other book from Ninang Jeng, "Father Cat's Busy Day" where you identified "cat" as "tat" and "sun" correctly.
In a couple of hours, Daddy will be leaving for Singapore. I was a little more worried today than I was yesterday. After texting at lunch, he didn't call again until he arrived at your Lolo Eliong's place at 2000Hrs (8PM). I told him that I was worried, thinking about this wretched weather, his phone was off, I couldn't reach him and no one would bother to provide for answers. I was rebuked lightly, he told me that I shouldn't be thinking of negative things. He was a little assuring when he said that. So I am holding to that thought right now, however unsure I still am.
I am happy to be assuaged of the thought that Nahnang is around to keep me cheered. And you of course. As a trio, we prayed the "Angel of God". We grew up praying and that and it's just right to teach you about it. Then we both lulled you to sleep by singing Christmas songs.
JAMantic of the Day:
You are the inspiration for which I composed the nursery rhymes "123 Jam" and "ABC Jam". It started tonight before turning in for sleep, you were enumerating "Dada, Mama, Wawa, Wowo, Nonom, Nahnam" and then proceeded to count the number "too, tee, too, tee". There is this old tune I sing to you repeatedly when you were smaller and back when I called you "petite". So the original tune had nothing but the lyrics "Petite, petite, Baby pee-petite." It was tonight that the song was brought together with the new simple lyrics of 123 and ABC. We recorded it with my phone because you wanted to listen to it over and again. Nahnang said she will get back to the keyboards in Kauswagan with it in mind. :DDD
Your MAYmah,
October 20, 2009
Dear Baby Kitten,
I'm so sorry - I really just forgot! It's that simple! These past couple of days, I've just been overwhelmed with blow by blow surprises by from God - it's like a box of chocolates, you'll never know what you're gonna get.
Se we did swap Carmen Sundays with our free Saturday because your Ninang Nat and Char came by for a Sunday-off; we had KFC and Goldilock, which they bought and then more moments of cuddling and Tokio Hotel until it was already 7 PM. We did nothing much but speak about High school, take pictures and left ourselves to be fascinated by you. You were especially all over Ninang Nat when she was on the phone with her boyfriend Tito Tata. On Saturday, we had the Measles shot, which to everyone's great shock, the doctor's and his assistant's, you neither whimpered nor moaned as the needle when thru. Even as they pulled it out, you could only smile at them. Tito Doc said how he wished all of his clients were like that - strong! After that, we bought your new vitamins as prescribed and then went to Carmen with you, asleep in my arms.
What's most surprising came in Monday. We went to Carmen again because Papalo asked if you could visit since they've closed off in Lapasan due to Semestral Break, so we went with you bathed with tons of new toys. One was a Sesame Street toy, which mimicked or recorded voices, it played back the voice automatically and danced as it did so. You were so curious and fascinated with how it was capable of movement and sound. They also bought you this Halloween Jack-in-a-box, which had a nasty cackle and face, like a squashed up pumpkin face. But the real surprise was when we got back to Kauswagan. Your Tito Raf was there! Imagine the rate of my heart running with the feeling of pleasant shock. I was suddenly flooded with questions for the both of us but I let God guide me; he was sleeping on the bed when we arrived, I put you on top of him and we both gave him a kiss. We warmed up and exchanged apologies.
Today is also one of the best! Your twin cousins Ate Farhannah and Farhannie came by for our photo opportunity and surprisingly, your Tito Raf joined in, too. It was a day of bonding for the zwillings and a heart-to-heart for me and your Tito. He's found peace in the Lord and I am glad that God has answered teh secret desire of my heart to reconcile with him.
Love, Mamimeow
2 Days to"Strawberry Jam" without "J"
Dear Jam,
Before, that - here you are falling asleep on your way to the cafe. Now, back to my reporting...according to Mamala, you, Ate Ritchell and her went to GAISANO CITY to do a little bit of grocery. You wouldn't stay put so she bargained with you that a good girl would earn a ticket to JOLLIBEE. Of course, spoiled by all means, good or bad girl, you went to Jollibee anyway. You eagerly reported this to Papalo when you got back to Carmen, saying "Lolo ee-bee". Mamala also says that when you passed by the Cathedral, you saw a plump lady in short pants whom you mistook for me, calling at her with "Mommy!" Then at Carmen, when they were folding clothes from the laundry, you joined them, spotted those that were yours, got them and smelled them with a pleasant reaction for what scent you thought of saying "Hmmm oh-shoon". Mamala understand the second word to be "lotion" thus we deduce that anything that smells good to you is caused by it. Heheh xD

So, yes Nahnang stays with us! You were, as rarely the case, happy to see her in the cafe where she proceeded from Kauswagan. You both enjoyed watching Disney's "Everybody wants to be a Cat" and "We are Siamese" over and again. That was true for you because you demanded for us to repeat the video as soon as it was done.
I am so thankful, as she is reading this, for Ninang Jeng who volunteered to proof read our entries. It's a task, to be typing words after entry after another and to have someone as another eye, is the biggest help I could get right now. So I thank Ninang Jeng. She has
reportedly spotted a few, which I have backtracked and edited. Hehe!
JAMantic of the Day:
As you were the whole day, so were you at dinner, greatly mobile and to that you get two bumps on your head. We were engaged in a discussion about you, Mamala, Nahnang and I when we heard you cry, twice! Thankfully, the "si-keen" (chicken) helped becalm you. You were back to your antics, jumping as your kitten was about the place.
Your MAYmah,
TO: The ANGEL in my Womb
I guess I owe another apology for another "gap" and an apology for being so selfish; it's as if I'm the only one who is missing him, right? I am so crazy to even think why I ever got into pregnancy and I am ashamed to get a good row of admonition from my other - personalities. They tell me I'm not the only one whose given up their lifestyle for what I've wanted for so long. I guess I just needed to be reminded that I wanted this - I wanted you, I WANT YOU. Sulking in the thought that Daddy hasn't sent a text isn't reason enough to affect you. I feel so selfish right now.
The world doesn't revolve around me anymore - not all the time - no, it doesn't! It revolves around everyone! It revolves around the world!
Oh! What the hell am I talking about? Oh mi perdonato!
I can't let fear, jealousy and sadness get in the way. Oh darn! But I guess this is the way you are supposed to be made right? Now I sound nonsensical, I don't write in the same prose anymore.
I'm supposed to have been reading Shakespeare's "Taming of a Shrew" in his own words - and here I go, babbling like a common writer!
Anyway, I've read how people born in the year of the Ox - wait! Your Nahnang corrected me on what your Chinese Horoscope should be and unless you were to be born after a certain day in February, you will fall under the Year of the Rat. You will have the Rat sign, which will make you more like your Tito Raf! That would be a minute matter of relief for as you're definitely getting the sign of Capricorn (horned animal) and then being an Ox (more horns) is alarming enough thought. But I do welcome you to be a psychic. I think you have it in you. You do help sustain my energy when I read cards .
I've just been going over some DVDs and titles I haven't seen or paid attention to. I should say. It's bonding time for your Ninang and I since it is her semestral break. I've been drawing a lot too and reckon that I might want to invest on colored pencils, Staedtler colored pens and then some.
Let me park my pen here baby Love.
xOxOx from your Mommy...
3 Days to"Strawberry Jam" without "J"
Dear Jam,
Here you are, reading the love note Nahnang left for us when we got home. She went back to Kauswagan already after a night of sleepover. However, even that is quite temporary as Mamilou saw it fit for her to stay with us. So she'll be coming back tomorrow anyway, although her note was wrought with words as though we would not meet again. Haha!
Joking aside, it was our second day in the
morning shift. As was yesterday, I had to drop you off Carmen before proceeding to the cafe. Then as soon as my shift was done, you and Nohnong drove to Lapasan. You were a little angel according to him, you were behaved as a lady would be in the front passenger seat beside him. I saw you were strapped quite safely with the safety belt beside him and you didn't make a fuss about not having been left at the back seat, which Daddy oft placed you when you drove without me.
After work, we finally got inside Save More! We got to buy a couple
of important supplies. You worked your charms on the
fruit stall attendant with your "popol" and "piya piya". We also met with Ninang Mae! Thankfully, as it was so timely that your Godsister Gabby is turning 2 years old this 23rd. She made sure to invite us and let me know that you are one beautiful angel. That was good until on our way home when we had been met by rain. We are cutting on reasons to spend so we had to take a jeep, besides, there was not a taxi in sight. I am grateful to the Good Samaritans that we happened to commute with. That bunch of what I initially thought were boisterous and noisome, boys, who helped us alight the jeep. I also thank those people we rode with in the motorcab, who complemented the lack of generosity coming from the driver whom I asked to take us a bit further. What is half a kilometer for a motorcab? But no, he blabbed about some insignificant alibi which I couldn't stand (or sit, actually) to listen to and argue with. The people helped us alight too; a man helped us with the grocery bags, a mother of a family of four assisted you and her husband opened his umbrella until we could open ours. Thank you so much, whoever you are.
We had a visitor in the cafe earlier and it was unfortunately without you when Ninang Jeng arrived with the gifts she's been keen to give you. She just seems to be delighted spoiling you with gifts, it's not even Christmas yet! And she knows what you like most! BOOKS! The instant I pulled the big one out of the bag, you wouldn't give me another minute to explain to you what it was or where it came from. You eagerly went to bed with it, opened it and instantly pointed "bode" (bird), "nee-nah" (dress, shirt), "aysh" (eyes), and "oh-vah" (oval).

Speaking of books, I feel a bit devastated and disappointed to hear from a CNN program that "books" in the physical form, will no longer be around after ten years. That's when it will have been replaced by e-books in PCs, laptops and Macs - AND that's YOUR generation, my love! It's a bit disconcerting because I consider books to be quite an heirloom, which we can pass on to your generation and the next.
You have been tinkering with our camera again. I was cooking dinner
and upon coming out of the kitchen, I was a bit horrified to see a flash of light about you. It was as I collected my wits, funny to realize that you had been clicking away again. Here is your best of the batch. It's an image that I am quite proud of for in my journeys with Tumblr, the vintage feeling of flowers and fabric have been fascinating a multitude. This is your take on it, acidentally! ;)
JAMantic of the Day:
You have just been fascinated by the word "house" and quite mutually, I have been amused how you say it as "hawsh". You kept repeating it and I gladly guided to point you to which ones were "houses" or not.
Your MAYmah,

4 Days to Strawberry Jam without "J"Dear Jam,
This is that precious look of yours when you had your first taste of syllvanas for tonight's desert. You had quite an appetite tonight and I say this because it's weird how you ate a lot of rice with nothing more than ketchup on it! But that's okay. I'll fill you in with milk.
You know this Super Typhoon MEGI(International name) aka Juan (National name) is just wreaking havoc! I got a bit concerned when Daddy didn't call early in the morning like the first day he arrived there. His explanation later on, provided for the answers to my wondering and worried mind. He said he had just processed his Italian and Australian Visa. He says the rain isn't that bothersome unlike the first two days he's been there, except for the raging wind. BUT in Isabella (Tito Macky's hometown, God bless his family) and the Cagayan Valley has gone to RED ALERT status and that's scary enough to start with. What shook me even more was what I heard from the news; a child was electrocuted by a felled electric post. I can only imagine how the child had been submerged in the water and down come the post with its live wires. Good Lord! All we can do now is pray for them.
It's the first day of our new shift, I have taken the morning schedule because of you. Since it is the semestral break, we won't be open on the 2nd floor and Mamala or Papalo won't be around to watch over you. They would all be in Carmen where I need to take you everytime before shift, that's what we exactly did today.
You have been feasting on the most unlikely of sweets in Daddy's list of No-nos and that is "a lot" of ice cream, candy and lollipops. Mamala said that you and Ate Ritchell went to a convenience store to buy ice cream whence upon reaching the counter, you grabbed a lollipop in your unrelenting grip. Ate Ritchell couldn't take it back.
It was this certain lollipop that you brought with you on your trip
to the cafe at the end of the shift. And as Mamala and I were engrossed with talk about you, you managed to pry open the almost impossible-your-age-to-open lollipop wrapper! Oh my! Of course, you were unrelenting as usual so we couldn't convince you to let go of it since the sweetness has enticed your tongue even as Mamala, you and I wove our way in Agora market to see the opening of SM Save More Supermarket in Market City. Unfortunately, we didn't get inside because of the excited mob, lodged up the entrance and that they would only allow a number of people every hour. So we dismissed the thought altogether and went our own ways, Mamala back to the cafe and you and I enjoyed a little hike to our humble pad where Nahnang waited.
The three of us had wonderful discoveries with you, your progress,
your words, your antics! We came home to meet a surprise and that was the local channels finally coming in thru our TV, thanks to Nahnang's little tinkering with the antenna. That's where you seemed to be glued with amazement as the commercials went past for another. You were especially happy about the Rejoice commercial where Kim Chu sings and flips her hair. You amused us when you wiggled your little butt and ran your hands up and then down your hair. You also saw Charice Pemengco perform again and as we would expect it, you stood up, arms flailing, you sang as if you were her!
Another add-ons to your vocabulary would be "sit" when you told
Nahnang that you wanted to sit on her lap. You pointed her lap, said "sit" and then went ahead to sit without hearing her protest or agree. You also said "proov!" which we definitely understood to be "approve" because you held your thumb up when I had you taste test the sotanghon I cooked. I asked you if it was good and that's when you gave me the positive response. You were also clear enough about food and how much you wanted of it when with your dinner of ketchup-and-rice, you said "nuff". Now, that's should be "enough" to explain!
By the way, there is this mysterious scratch on your knee which I'm sure you didn't get when we were together. I have got to ask Mamala about that. Anyway, you're not making a fuss about it and it's not purulent or bleeding, I guess it's okay.
JAMantic of the Day:
You've understood that I've preferred to be called "Mommy" rather than "Mama". And you say it ever so sweetly. However as Nahnang and I discovered and quite agree altogether, using "Mommy" on her too, we reckoned you use it as your new way of saying "please" - but this time even more convincing with the wise use of the word "Mommy."
Your MAYmah,

5 Days to Strawberry Jam without "J"
Dear Jam,
We have Nahnang over! :D
I am so happy that she gets to keep us company for the day! You so enjoyed having her, you would demand for her to do things for you. As if bringing us food from Micky D's isn't enough right? Haha! Firstly, you took her high heels without us knowing, wore it on your precious little feet, and (this is the best part) walked in it for a good one meter plus! You didn't trip, hesitate or wobble! You walked seamlessly! Nahnang and I roared in laughter and pride! Not that we think that should be but 
because at your age, you achieved something even girls my age don't - to walk in heeled shoes! So as that event passed, you and Nahnang did a human egg roll. It was easier for her without you as it made her heavier with you in her lap. As I said, the two of you have been buddies since she came, you even asked her to clean you up from diaper gravy. You said "Nanam (insignificant chatter) ibi" and then pointed to the bathroom, which was clear enough to express what you wanted to mean.
When we didn't mind you and left you to do things by yourself, you
wore your own pajamas by...of course, yourself. And
when Nahnag and I were watching a movie, which you didn't approve of, since it's not "Eeh-yay-eeh-yay-yow", you covered your ears to what maybe "noise" to you.
We have a couple more of new words today as we were reading that book from Ninang Jeng, opening to the story of The Tortoise and The Hare. "Wabbit" for "rabbit", "towtow" for "tortoise", "pot" for "fox" and "bew" for "bear". Now there's an incident about the "bear" which I will reserve for the "Jamantic of the Day".
Okay, so here's the reality with Daddy. He said his trip had been moved earlier than was known to us. He will be leaving Manila on the 22nd, bound for Hong Kong and from there, they will head for Amsterdam. I'm okay. We should be okay!
JAMantic if the Day:
Now the "bear" incident. I just love how you say it! "Bew" CUTE!!! So I kept asking you to say it again, in as much as being annoying to you I should suspect. You gave in to the second time but when I was persistent with "Say BEAR please? Please? BEAR! Kitten, please?" You gave me the little voice equivalent to any adult's annoyed reaction "Mow bew" and of course that meant "more bear". Hahaha! Why, you cute and intelligent little cat!
Your MAYmah,