Missy Bonbon, Limketkai
Cagayan de Oro City
Dear Jam,
I am attending Nahang's Oath-taking Ceremony. Supposed to be. But the program and the set-up in the Atrium cannot make that possible. In short, it wasn't made to accommodate the guests of the oath-taking nurses. So I'm whiling my time away here, watching the Starbucks building across the street. That would be the first here in our city that every coffeeholic and Starbucks fanatic like me is more than excited for its opening. And I WILL bring your there with me!
I'm having hot Calamansi Juice as I'm writing this. My tonsils are inflamed and I have a slight temperature. I have been sneezing badly since last night, my head is so heavy, I feel like it's filled with a gallon of mucous. That's why I left you and Daddy early without cooking breakfast, afraid I might get my virus all over the place. You were so cute thought, sleep was weighing you down, you rose up in bed to say "Eye" when you saw me put my makeup on. Even as I gave you your milk, you followed me with a sleepy kind of careful scrutiny. You walked up to me as I was packing my stuff and said "Mama towtow. Baby, didi" to tell me that I forgot to put in your things. You must have thought that you were leaving with me because you pursued me as I was wearing my shoes with "Shyoosh Baby, Mama, Dada?" It broke my heart to leave you but that's the sweetest part of waking up this morning, so I relish that as I am away from you.
I realized, seeing this people dressed in pristine white uniforms that I am not as much as affected. I've accepted that Nursing isn't me. It is just not my passion. I have a may have passion to heal, to offer therapy but Nursing isn't the only means for which I can channel these gifts and passions. Besides, this was your Mamilou's dream and being stubborn since the day I was born, I wouldn't allow myself to be swayed towards fulfilling other people's ambition for themselves. I may have felt a hint of envy before, for the feeling of merely accomplishing something. But seeing as I've compared my status in life right now and the population of jobless nurses, I'm not so stymied anymore. I only have pride for your Nahnang's achievements. Another nurse in the family and I say we have more than enough to represent our generation. What we've forgotten though is the fact that Bajuyos are educators and leaders. That's who I am. That's my calling. As for you, I give you the freehand to choose your career. Although when Daddy and I were talking last night, he suddenly popped the question "How long does it take to finish Medicine?" When I answered him and asked why, he said he was preparing you for it. Will you take on the challenge? :D
Its 1012Hrs but the city still seems sleepy. It must be this dreary weather! The gray clouds are all over the metropolis, an ambiance conducive for sleep and cuddling.
Love, Maymah
I am attending Nahang's Oath-taking Ceremony. Supposed to be. But the program and the set-up in the Atrium cannot make that possible. In short, it wasn't made to accommodate the guests of the oath-taking nurses. So I'm whiling my time away here, watching the Starbucks building across the street. That would be the first here in our city that every coffeeholic and Starbucks fanatic like me is more than excited for its opening. And I WILL bring your there with me!
I'm having hot Calamansi Juice as I'm writing this. My tonsils are inflamed and I have a slight temperature. I have been sneezing badly since last night, my head is so heavy, I feel like it's filled with a gallon of mucous. That's why I left you and Daddy early without cooking breakfast, afraid I might get my virus all over the place. You were so cute thought, sleep was weighing you down, you rose up in bed to say "Eye" when you saw me put my makeup on. Even as I gave you your milk, you followed me with a sleepy kind of careful scrutiny. You walked up to me as I was packing my stuff and said "Mama towtow. Baby, didi" to tell me that I forgot to put in your things. You must have thought that you were leaving with me because you pursued me as I was wearing my shoes with "Shyoosh Baby, Mama, Dada?" It broke my heart to leave you but that's the sweetest part of waking up this morning, so I relish that as I am away from you.
I realized, seeing this people dressed in pristine white uniforms that I am not as much as affected. I've accepted that Nursing isn't me. It is just not my passion. I have a may have passion to heal, to offer therapy but Nursing isn't the only means for which I can channel these gifts and passions. Besides, this was your Mamilou's dream and being stubborn since the day I was born, I wouldn't allow myself to be swayed towards fulfilling other people's ambition for themselves. I may have felt a hint of envy before, for the feeling of merely accomplishing something. But seeing as I've compared my status in life right now and the population of jobless nurses, I'm not so stymied anymore. I only have pride for your Nahnang's achievements. Another nurse in the family and I say we have more than enough to represent our generation. What we've forgotten though is the fact that Bajuyos are educators and leaders. That's who I am. That's my calling. As for you, I give you the freehand to choose your career. Although when Daddy and I were talking last night, he suddenly popped the question "How long does it take to finish Medicine?" When I answered him and asked why, he said he was preparing you for it. Will you take on the challenge? :D
Its 1012Hrs but the city still seems sleepy. It must be this dreary weather! The gray clouds are all over the metropolis, an ambiance conducive for sleep and cuddling.
- = * = -
TSK! Unbelievable this woman! She's working in a food business where "customer service skills" is of utmost importance. I just came back to order my second hot calamansi and she is still in that dark unaccommodating mood. I admit that I could be such a "bitch" in the cafe sometimes but she's working in a prime business area where customers could call for supervisors to complain. Maybe it's just me after rigorous call-center training being so sensitive and all this. AND they didn't wash their glass cup properly! I'm not in a debatable mood right now because I don't have the energy for it so I'm gonna lock it all up now.Love, Maymah
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