DAY 273: October 8th, 2010; FRIDAY
r Jam,
Darn this rotating blackouts! I can live with the heavy rain, it's a force of nature anyway. But power shortage more than when it's necessary is just too much. I'm not complaining for myself, don't get me wrong. It's for you and for that little head of yours which so easily leaks as if it had built-in mini faucets; the sweat goes on even as I am fanning you with all my life's energy. I am just so thankful that you don't complain about it since you don't understand what's going on and why. You took it like it was an ordinary day
and unlike other kids who would throw a temper tantrum for the heat bearing down on them, you didn't fuss and didn't stress me as much. We stayed outside, explored somethings like the heart-shaped leaves of the clover weed, watched the new kids of the family who just moved in the compound, listened to birds and took lots of pictures. But Mommy had to stay home. The virus just settled in, it made my lungs heavy with mucous all I could do is sneeze, cough, and blow my nose. I wouldn't be as much of a help in the cafe so I stayed home and had a PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN movie marathon, which after years of release, I haven't seen until today. Daddy and you had to drive alone, I say you were quite behaved as he placed you careful at the backseat.
There was a little problem in the evening though.
The rain was relentless that my plan to go after you couldn't be. I was surprised to see Daddy come home first in the bike and a look of worry on his face. He said that flood downtown and around Limketkai, the cafe included, made it difficult for Nohnong to get through, not to mention the wicked traffic! You had to be carried a couple of miles from the cafe and to McDonald's where Nohnong parked, Mamala, Ate Ritchell and Nohnong had to walk the flood on their feet and rain on their heads. Daddy and I waited a good thirty-minute at home before you arrived, quite composed, except for the mosquito bites. Daddy said it blacked out in the evening in the cafe too and it took sometime before a net was thrown over your lazy hammock. I hope those mosquitoes don't carry the damned Dengue!
JAMantic of the Day:
1. New words -
PAMPERS > pam-poys
ASIM > seem
2. It's the "ambi" stage or the "give me" part of your growing up. You would insisted to have what you want and if not given, you would scream "Ambiambiambiambi" which is an eloquent Visayan of "Gimmegimmegimme!" But no! Like Daddy said, cannot get everything that you want. You've also been this insistent to Mamala as she so reports.
Your MAYmah,
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