Dear Jam,
The experience I am about to tell is cutely hilarious that when I posted it on Facebook as my status, it had encouraged amused comments. This is about my morning alarm, which was you, helpfully. I would partly blame myself for lagging under the covers when it was time in fact to prepare breakfast. The pictures of what seemed to be early morning dreams blurred as I felt something hit my head more than once. Then I heard your voice say "Mama". Out of the covers, I saw you peering over me with that empty plastic Coke bottle again. So I asked you why you hit me with it, quite sleepy in my own head. Your answer was obvious, short and sweet "Yice!" HAHAHA! As if you could
You're learning antic after antic to woo us to indulge your requests. But as they are harmless, we give in. Like
On the naughty side of the twirly-wirly, you threw Daddy and I off with this one act. We don't know where and how you picked it up but your movement was precise and exact, one we couldn't mistake to be
It was raining so hard today. I think the whole city is going to be under water. Exaggeration aside, the water almost came in the cafe. The wind was so strong and it carried huge droplets of rain everywhere.
Ah yes! I started with "Circle of Moms" where moms are allowed to make a separate profile for their children under their account. I made yours and it's just like a cute little sister of Facebook. So it looks like you have your own FB now! ;) You also managed to twist open and close a cap from a plastic juice bottle, which was sadly the culprit for your little accident. You were jumping on the bed, holding the bottle. When you dropped, the bottle fell first then your jaw, so what we had was a bleeding gum and a lot of tears.
JAMantic of the Day:
Mamala reports that you've learned how to click your tongue whenever you witness a mishap, like water spilling or whatever else. xD You do sound like this "tsk!" HAHAH!
P.S. You got a new sweater today, courtesy of Mamala who's worried about you for the rainy days. That's the one your wearing, right there in the opening of this entry. It's a bit big but seeing you as you are, you make anything look fabulous and ready for the runway! xD
Your MAYmah,

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