Dear Jam,
Daddy just bought his ticket. It's so near, I don't wanna count the days but the ticket is doing it for me. What can distract me please? Your Ninang Jeng would have. She had a plan to visit the cafe and give that "gift" of yours she spoke of often. But she had a bout of sickness owing to the inescapable moon blood. I told Daddy that maybe we could go and visit Ninang but time didn't favor us and we had to rush to the cafe. You were cute, trying to practice climbing the chair today but that was before Daddy went off to buy his ticket. So when he came home to tell me the news, I was utterly depressed I couldn't remember what else we or you did other than laundry before proceeding to work. Here you are at work, getting the padlocks ready for Daddy and Nohnong for closing time. You also found a sole banana lying around and figured out a way to peel it off by yourself. I was wondering why you got so quiet only to find your earnest silence in such discovery.
As the feeling of sadness wore off in the evening, you were even more helpful to cheer not only me but Mamala and everyone else as well. On our way home, you had everybody giggling at your cute little voice repeating words after me; mama, dada, lolo, lala, meemeen. One of the new things that that you've learned earlier with Mamala and her crew is "Ate" which you address Ate Ritchell and Ate Mae Anne with. Also the Ivatan word for poop "tachi", which you pronounce better than the Visayan "ta-e". You also amused us as you fidgeted in the passenger's seat looking for your stuffed cat and having failed you said "wala na" or "it's gone." Your voice is so cute, it just lifted the thoughts clouding over me.
JAMantic of the Day:
1.According to Mamala, you have successfully worn both shoes properly by yourself. That's a progress! The next stop would be how
2. According to my panic mode, I almost peed myself when I found the cafe cash drawer locked while the key was nowhere in sight. I hand't thought of the only other culprit who was in the cubicle with me until I saw the key cleanly poised infront of you. That could only mean, you managed to lock the drawer...quietly! o.0
Your MAYmah,

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