Dear Jam,
We had pictorials today! Thanks to Daddy for though he is camera shyer than I am, he acquiesced to my request a couple of days ago. Auntilou Ching has proposed that we should have our pictures taken in a studio
Here is a photo of Mommy and Daddy you took by
yourself. I think you wanted to play the role of photographer than the model, which is why Nahang easily pacified you when you were given the camera. This supposed to be a Halloween shoot where you are my likeness as a Cat, I am a Vampiric Witch and Daddy my Thug Victim! Oh well, we'll see about it in Photoshop.
JAMantic of the Day:
Whenever I wash you after pee and/or poo, I always ask you to "bend". Today, you went ahead of me, said "ben" and bent yourself down. To ride in Visayan is "sakay", you said "skay" to mean that you were going to ride either Giorgio or Pig. When I got home from the cafe, you came up to me and said "Mama up! Oo-booh" (Mama up! Undress me.)with your hands raised because you wanted me to remove your pajamas, thinking I was there to prepare you and go out. Onwards sleep, though Daddy and I had decided to lie beside each other, we had to break up to you prodding. You patted the other empty side beside you and said "Mama abay". "Abay" means "beside" as so literally translated.
Your MAYmah,

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