Dear Jam,
Here you are with Daddy's little "Good Morning" towel which you insisted to be worn around your waist just as Daddy wears his towel. The only difference is that Daddy doesn't walk around like a fashion model and poses like this when I say "Posing!" Haha...I only find it so amazing how the lesson of posing and the pose itself stuck with you when I merely taught you about it in one day! You managed to retain it! :D
I'm glad that this little fashion show of yours has salvaged Daddy and I from that troubling dream he had last night. He said, he dreamt that he parked his bike and coming back from wherever he was, somebody had stolen his bike but replaced it for an older and used model. He looked under the seat and found his wallet as he would place them under his own bike and found that some of his money was used but spared. He said that whoever stole from him wasn't as bad as any thief would carry everything into oblivion. On my part, I was disturbed even more than he was because as a dream interpreter, I knew exactly what that dream meant. It may seem to him his materially prized possessions but he hadn't figured out that those things represented you and I. Now that I'm writing about it, I feel anxious and uncomfortable thinking about what it means so, never we mind! That and the thing that was walking on our roof earlier this evening when we got home from work. After a long time of being haunted by all this supernatural by far, it visits me - us. And I would know when it's their kind, apart from the dog's eerie mournful cry, I just have a way of knowing. It was Daddy who talked me out of it. He said that we should be scared when it's a human being out to prey on helpless people at night, he means we should be more scared of massacre, thievery and murder than ghouls and the third kind. He has a point but I told him, form a person who can actually see and feel them, I have some reason to be scared. He pulled me close to him and asked me not to fret anymore.
It was your first time to taste one of Mommy's favorite candies - CHUBBY. It has a nougaty texture minus the nuts. You loved chomping down at it but you wouldn't last, which is good actually because it means that Daddy and I needn't worry as much about you addicting on candies! :D
We had a delicious lunch today. Daddy cooked! He has that caliber in cooking Filipino dishes that I cannot seem to match! His sinigang bangus today was just delectable! I'm gonna miss his cooking when he leaves. There will be a lot of things to miss about him, add what he did early morning to that. You were still asleep and finding you so precious and angelic, he went near you and kissed your baby hand. He
JAMantic of the Day:
You were going over that book "Bee Kind", one of your favorites. I was reading it with you and I pointed to and said "Honey", you said "Ha-yee!" ;)
Your MAYmah,

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