7 Days to Strawberry Jam without "J"
Dear Jam,
Here you are. A bit cranky and sleepy for being waken so early off your bed. But we had to wake early up to send Daddy off to the airport. It isn't a good day for me, I am just glad Mamala was around to speak with. I think she felt it and maybe it was her coping for seeing Daddy leave, too so she and I were talking mostly on the trip to Lumbia. It wasn't good not only because he is leaving but because when he left earlier to park the bike in Carmen, you were crying in your dream. It's that painful kind of whimpering and it really tore my heart out. I had to keep my chin up to stop myself from breaking down.
Our pet Strawberry Jam is now a Historic Pet in PET SOCIETY and that's something worthy of my attention, whiling in depression.
JAMantic of the Day:
Here's another thing that really cheered me and it's how you answered "Where's Daddy, Kitten?" You pointed to the sky and then made a fluttering gesture with the sound of what to you were wings.
Your MAYmah,

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