DAY 274: October 7th, 2010; THURSDAY
Dear Jam,
This is a priceless look of yours after you munched down bit and bites after another of Nahnang's cake that I took home with me. we kept you away from the icing but you seemed to have taken a likeness (as should be expected) when you had an itty-bitty taste of it.
After waiting hours and hours for Nahnang's Oath-taking, I was already hungry by the time they finished. They didn't get out until 2PM and that's beyond my lunchtime. That is why when they asked me to join them to have pizza at MORE BITES, I didn't hesitate to go with. I honestly could eat a cow with the hunger churning in my stomach! Joking aside, we enjoyed pizza and the cake your
Auntielou Ching sent me to buy for Nahnang. I had, after a long time of not being with them, fun with D'Crammerz. They shouldn't be a stranger to you because even as you were still in my womb, they've already anticipated you and before you turned a year old, we joined them in a pool party at the resort in Bulua. They know you so much that they kept asking for you whenever they had the opportunity. One says she has been following us on "365 Days of Strawberry Jam"! Heheh! Thanks to Tita Joan for reading our entries and for encouraging the others to read as well. Later, we proceeded to Limketkai's Worlds of Fun to play PANG PANG. Haha! It's so fun! I wanna try that with you when you're big enough! After that, I went to the cafe to join you and Daddy.

When we got home, you and Daddy had fun playing with Froggy and Stitch. He taught you something off his work "PULL & SLACK", which they do with their ropes in the ship. You had a swell time learning how to pull & slack and then laugh at Froggy and Stitch as they went up and down alternately. You also, even against Daddy's advise, learned how to twist and turn that safety rig when in fact you didn't see him do it. I mean, you figured it by yourself and without assistance.
JAMantic of the Day:
After "up here" (appear), "align", "approve", Daddy teaches you how to do the "knuckle up". It's a handshake he often does with your Nohnong and which you now know to do by yourself and with him.
Your MAYmah,
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