Dear Jam,
That's you after Daddy taught you how to do the "hush" sign tonight. You really are taking instructions well after him and I am proud of both of you!
HAPPY GRANDPARENTS DAY! At least Mamilou and Lolo got to celebrate their grandparenthood with you. It's just too bad that Mamala is in the hospital and Papalo is there with her. I think, I really, really think that you have a feeling what today was because as soon as you woke up, you looked at the door and pointing at it,
This is how you have fared so far with your pronunciation after Baby Einstein instructions:
1. RABBIT > ya-bit
2. BUG > bud
3. BIRD > beyd
4. HORSE > has
5. PIG > bid
6. COW > moo
I love how you call "cow" as "moo". ;)
The cuteness happened when we were taking a shower. I had just switched the shower on and ever since we've had baths in the new pad, which were often cold, I always asked you to hug me so it we wouldn't be as cold. This time, before I could even say it, when you heard the shower on, you opened your arms wide at me and said "hud".
Not only that! As I was lathering myself up, curiosity led you to touch the white cream-like coat on my body that when your hands easily glided on my skin you said "wow"! xD
Your MAYmah,

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