1 Day to"Strawberry Jam" without "J"
Dear Jam,
You look more than happy with your new sunglasses! ;) This one looks good on you. It's the same as Daddy's aviators and seeing as the two of you have the same facial shape, the cut goes perfectly well on you, too. As I promised, I bought you your own pair because just this morning, on our way to Carmen, you complained with how the sun was hurting your eyes. You kept saying "Mama eyes" and I caught how the glare made you flinch. So I offered my sunglasses for you to wear until we were safe from the sunlight in the shade of Carmen. This does scare me somehow you know. All those movies seem to be prophetic about how the sun will leave a barren land on the Earth and become even more menacing than it already is now. Daddy and I
On the right side of the bed, Willow Smith, Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith's daughter, has released her new single "I Whip my Hair". She's utterly cute and lovable at nine years old, behaving like a little woman. You know, I have always been a fan of the Smiths and until we saw Karate Kid starred by their son Jaden, did I know, so was Daddy. As we were watching the movie, we were talking about how we wanted to have a boy after you. It would be nice to be a bunch like the Smiths; a girl and a boy with a Mommy and Daddy, that would be enough happy unit. What do you think? I think you quite agree to the song though, doing your own kind of hair whipping when you listen to the music. Your dance move is prompted by the word "hair" and then you whip it quite gracefully.
So back to our world; you, Nahnang and I went to Save More
Before we completely turned in for sleep, we took out the other book from Ninang Jeng, "Father Cat's Busy Day" where you identified "cat" as "tat" and "sun" correctly.
In a couple of hours, Daddy will be leaving for Singapore. I was a little more worried today than I was yesterday. After texting at lunch, he didn't call again until he arrived at your Lolo Eliong's place at 2000Hrs (8PM). I told him that I was worried, thinking about this wretched weather, his phone was off, I couldn't reach him and no one would bother to provide for answers. I was rebuked lightly, he told me that I shouldn't be thinking of negative things. He was a little assuring when he said that. So I am holding to that thought right now, however unsure I still am.
I am happy to be assuaged of the thought that Nahnang is around to keep me cheered. And you of course. As a trio, we prayed the "Angel of God". We grew up praying and that and it's just right to teach you about it. Then we both lulled you to sleep by singing Christmas songs.
JAMantic of the Day:
You are the inspiration for which I composed the nursery rhymes "123 Jam" and "ABC Jam". It started tonight before turning in for sleep, you were enumerating "Dada, Mama, Wawa, Wowo, Nonom, Nahnam" and then proceeded to count the number "too, tee, too, tee". There is this old tune I sing to you repeatedly when you were smaller and back when I called you "petite". So the original tune had nothing but the lyrics "Petite, petite, Baby pee-petite." It was tonight that the song was brought together with the new simple lyrics of 123 and ABC. We recorded it with my phone because you wanted to listen to it over and again. Nahnang said she will get back to the keyboards in Kauswagan with it in mind. :DDD
Your MAYmah,

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