5 Days to Strawberry Jam without "J"
Dear Jam,
We have Nahnang over! :D
I am so happy that she gets to keep us company for the day! You so enjoyed having her, you would demand for her to do things for you. As if bringing us food from Micky D's isn't enough right? Haha! Firstly, you took her high heels without us knowing, wore it on your precious little feet, and (this is the best part) walked in it for a good one meter plus! You didn't trip, hesitate or wobble! You walked seamlessly! Nahnang and I roared in laughter and pride! Not that we think that should be but
When we didn't mind you and left you to do things by yourself, you
We have a couple more of new words today as we were reading that book from Ninang Jeng, opening to the story of The Tortoise and The Hare. "Wabbit" for "rabbit", "towtow" for "tortoise", "pot" for "fox" and "bew" for "bear". Now there's an incident about the "bear" which I will reserve for the "Jamantic of the Day".
Okay, so here's the reality with Daddy. He said his trip had been moved earlier than was known to us. He will be leaving Manila on the 22nd, bound for Hong Kong and from there, they will head for Amsterdam. I'm okay. We should be okay!
JAMantic if the Day:
Now the "bear" incident. I just love how you say it! "Bew" CUTE!!! So I kept asking you to say it again, in as much as being annoying to you I should suspect. You gave in to the second time but when I was persistent with "Say BEAR please? Please? BEAR! Kitten, please?" You gave me the little voice equivalent to any adult's annoyed reaction "Mow bew" and of course that meant "more bear". Hahaha! Why, you cute and intelligent little cat!
Your MAYmah,

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