DAY 285: September 26th, 2010; SUNDAY
Dear Jam,
It's the third day of the Novena and it's earlier today that it's Sunday, it was before the 10:30 AM mass. So I had to wake up early to do the laundry, cook breakfast, and then leave for church. It's International Seafarer's Day today by the way and so we pray for the men who, like Daddy, work overseas and for their families who abide in their absence. In the afternoon, after Novena and hearing mass and the free lunch at Green Haven, Mamilou and Nahnang joined me on the way home with loads of surprises and foodies for you and Daddy. Yours especially. This is where you were lit up with such energy to perform antic, after antic, after antic! One which shook all of us present in the room - Daddy, me, Mamilou and Nahnang. Especially Nahnang as it was obviously addressed to her. So we were busy yacking that we barely noticed that your Baby Einstein video was already running its end credits. But there was Nahnang, fascinated and glued at the wonderful medley of sounds, colors, an
d cuteness of the video. You felt somehow that Nahnang knew it was the end of the show - but how could she be sitting there? Doing nothing about it? We heard a shrill, loud, demanding timbre of the word "NAHNANG! pierce through the din of our chatter, followed by a prattle of a little voice, coupled by gesticulations pointing the TV and the DVD drawer. Nahnang was confounded as we all were but she was close to
tears as she asked how you could scream at her like that. We didn't know if we were to laugh or to scold because the next thing you did broke spell; a sweet, contrary music to the former, you said "Peeeeeaaaasssee?" with that cute little chin and smile reminiscent of Nahnang when she was your age. She couldn't say no or hold that incident against you. Hahah! Other than that, you had shown us your discovery of the bunk bed ladder and your fascination for climbing it up and down. You had something special for Mamilou, too. Oh she's to blame, wholly!;) While you were both isolated in a corner of the bed, she promised that, without thinking you understood her, she will take you with them to Kauswagan. But by
Lor! She has underestimated her granddaughter! Of
course you understood it and you took it upon yourself as her promise so you harangued her with "Lolalalalooloo" when they prepared to leave. Distraction was the only means to appease your worked up appetite to leave.
JAMantic of the Day:
It was a jolly plan which you came up yourself. You guided my hand with how we were to administer your medicine without you having to struggle against it. You held the dropper as I was and then you led it to your mouth and asked me to drop it. The first drop wasn't received so well but received nonetheless. The next ones were easier, in fact you begged for more. You are indeed intelligent! xD
Your MAYmah,
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