DAY 296: September 15th, 2010; WEDNESDAY
Dear Jam,
That's how you looked after you nearly fell off the chair in your attempts of climbing down from it through the table which was impossibly far from your reach. You wouldn't listen. I didn't scold you though but you were crying because I put you back on the chair to continue with the chores. It must have been this heat, after shower, you were playful again.
To get in to your lingo, I asked you if you wanted to watch Cubeez, singing one of their songs, which was your favorite. "Tippy-tippy-toe-toe Tippy-toe, Tippy-tippy-toe-toe Tippy-toe" I sang and to affirm that yes, you wanted to watch Cubeez, you sang back with "ooopitow pitow" and then pointed the DVD
drawer "ananana". But then you were playful even as I left you on the chair. You were saying "yayay pik" (The pig is hurt) when you heard our neighbor's pig squealing. Maybe you really just wanted to get down the chair and sweep the floor. You fancy yourself sweeping the floor when you get the chance to steal the broom without us knowing. It's a bit too heavy and as much as I want to train you with the chore this early, the cleaning apparatus has caused many of your mishaps. But TV distracts you. To my utter amazement, leaving you with Baby Einstein's Baby Newton, you were blowing the paper windmill on the TV as if it was with your effort. I don't know where you got it but I think I kinda get the feeling that you're one intelligent kid!
You even turned German on me when I asked you if you wanted to wear
your shoes already on our way out. You said "Ja, ja, ja". This is, to your Tita Issie's delight, a very good sign for her that you are indeed a TOKIO HOTEL baby. That and the fact that you have the sound effects of "toom! toom!" every time you throw something out of your way. "Toom" to us of course is allusive of "Tom" the lead guitarist of the band. She said you're a "TOMINION" heheh. She's been showing some love since she found out that your blog and PET SOCIETY name is "Strawberry Jam". She, your Tita Vhen and Tita Seline showed some love when I posted a link to this blog on Facebook.
You also showed us how fearless you were.
Everybody was amazed to see how you weren't scared of walking the meter-high counter without assistance. And showed Ate Mae Ann how you would pose for the camera after instruction. I said "pose and move closer Ate Mae Anne" so you did.
JAMantic of the Day:
Speaking about how intelligent you are,
I am proud to note that you have taken after the American
accent I have
been teaching at ePLDT. You know that "otter" is pronounced with a slightly silent "d" and that's how you said it when you saw a video of the "o(d)er". Sweet! Then at lunch, we had noodle. You strongly impressed which serving you preferred to take in. "Baby yice, noodom" which means that the baby wants rice with noodles and "Noodom, no no" that you only wanted the soup without the noodles. HAHA!
Your MAYmah,
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